Chapter 20- A Second Chance

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Josette's P.O.V.

My first day went surprising well considering a year ago I would've rather died than go to school here. Izzy and Clary were really excited for me to try out for cheer and I had to admit their excitement made me excited as well. Izzy had a blast picking through my clothes for an outfit. I wore a black dress that conformed to my curvy body and went to about mid-thigh. Isabelle was completely shocked to find that my hair curled "so completely perfectly like I couldn't even do that with a curling iron" which I found amusing Clary, however, said that my dress gave her PTSD from the first time she let Izzy dress her. They both wanted to walk me to my first class so I wouldn't get lost but I assured them that I knew my way around the school because I've been here before, they have been trying to recruit me since I was 5, we argued until we only had 10 minutes to get to first hour and they only caved so they wouldn't be late.

My morning classes are great minus the fact that Magnus is in all of them. I was planning on avoiding him but he seemed to have a different plan. However, the very handsome brother of Izzy that was getting in trouble with Mags and Jace came up to me first. When Magnus saw him come up and talk to me he immediately got as far from us as possible. Huh weird. "Hey, we didn't really get a chance to be properly introduced after you saved my ass yesterday. I'm Alec and I wanted to say thanks, you know for saving my ass." It was absolutely adorable how he rushed out everything he said like he was nervous about how I would react. This caused me to laugh as I reached out my hand for a handshake.

"I'm Josette and really it was nothing I actually think it was awesome for you to stick up for Clary like that. Most guys would've just acted like nothing was happening especially to keep their record as clean as yours is."

"Well, any guy that would is a dick and you really did help....wait how did you know I had a perfect record?"

"Lucky guess," I laugh. "You just seem the type."

I swear the confused look in his beautiful blue eyes could kill me. "Type?"

"Yeah you know, pristine always worried about what people think of him. Hiding in the closet so you don't have to risk the rejection of the people closest to you and to hide your sexuality you make sure you perfect at everything from school to, judging by your build, football?" I question.

He looks terrified and darts his glance around making sure that nobody heard me. "I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Right well that might be a bit more convincing if your voice did crack. Relax Alec I won't say anything. I came from the city of love I don't exactly judge people for who they like. I do have to say that it's a damn shame because you and I would make one sexy ass power couple." Alec burst out laughing at this causing everyone to look at us making us realize class had already started. I catch Magnus narrow his eyes at me before glancing at Alec. When he looks at Alec I see a mix of sadness and anger in his eyes before he wrenches his gaze away.

"You're alright Josette Wayland."

"Call me Josie or Jo and I'm glad you think so because I've taken quite the liking to your sister. She makes me feel like a princess every time she stares at my designer clothes in wonder." Alec snorts.

"I'm sure she does. Our family has a lot of money but our parents aren't big on spending it on unnecessary things much to Izzy's dismay." Alec and I talk through the rest of my morning classes which I share with him until my before lunch class. I have piano and I discover I share it with Jace. This sucks but thankfully we don't have to interact and I can go to lunch. I see Alec on the way to the cafeteria after I stopped at my locker we talk about more stupid things that make us laugh our heads off and when we get to the cafeteria he says I can sit at his lunch table with him. This seems cool to me so I walk over and realize Clary and Izzy sit there too. I'm happy for a few seconds before I realize that not only are these people friends with Jace but Alec and Izzy are Jace's adoptive siblings. This is upsetting enough and then Magnus shows up at the table I let Clary introduce us as though we haven't already met as I let Alec introduce Jace and me.

The rest of the day went fine. I had French class with Clary, Izzy, and Jace then share the rest of my classes with Alec and Magnus. I'm almost bursting with excitement when the final bell rings. I get dressed in some short-shorts and a work out shirt then swap out my Jimmy Choos for some sneakers and head out to the football field. Izzy told me to show them what I've got so I do the routine I remembered from one of the Bring It On movies. After several flips, cartwheels, round-offs, backflips and a split to end it, all the cheerleaders are going crazy and telling me how good I am. Izzy declares me a cheerleader and says she will get me a uniform after practice telling me to observe today and she'll help me catch up with the routine. As I'm observing I glance towards the football players. Most of them are checking me out. Alec notices me looking and jogs over. "Hey, I didn't know you were a cheerleader."

"I wasn't, in fact, my only cheerleading experience was from a movie but I guess I made the team go team yay." I laugh. Alec chuckles with me before saying he should get to practice. I watch the football players and notice Alec staring into the stands. I follow his gaze and find it in the same place I tracked it to during the school day: Magnus sitting in the bleachers working on homework. Alec looks away when he goes back to the field. I look into the bleachers again and see that Magnus is now following all of Alec's movements and I realize that something happened between them and decide I will find out what it is.

After practice, Izzy, true to her word, gets me a uniform. After this instead of heading to my room, I head to the boy's dormitories. This is a terrible idea, I think but before I can change my mind I knock and wait until he opens the door. I take in his shocked expression which causes a smug smile to form on my face. "Look I know I basically said I wanted nothing to do with you but I've decided to forgive you."

Magnus blinks a few times before asking confused, "Why?"

"Because you and I were best friends in Paris and we made a hell of a pair. Also, I've taken a liking to Alec and whatever happened between you two, you obviously need my help. So I've decided to give you a second chance. Now are you going to invite me or what?" He stares for a couple more seconds before opening the door wider. I step inside feeling as if something is right in the word again.

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