Chapter 50-Why Even Try?

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Josette's P.O.V.

This day sucks. First I wake up with a major head cold and a majorly hungover Alec. I had to call both of us in sick which probably seemed suspicious but I know they won't question it. I let Alec sleep for a while and attempted to do things like eat some breakfast but after a couple of bites of toast, I headed back to sleep my hoping it would make the headache and stuffed nose go away.

The next time I woke up was to Alec falling out of bed. It startled him and he was confused about where he was so I filled him in, got up and gave him so aspirin with a bottle of water before telling him he could eat whatever I had in the kitchen part of my dorm. When I said that he seemed to realize for the first time that despite this being a one-person room and not having a common area, it was more well-stocked with appliances than his own. Once he finished eating I told him I called him in sick and he should head to his own before some people got suspicious and started rumors because even if I could care less about what people say about me, I know Alec hates the spotlight.

After Alec left I took some medicine and hoped that I could finally get a decent rest but apparently I hadn't seen the icing on the cake yet. As soon as my head hit the pillow there was a knock on my door. I got up to answer it and saw it was Jace. What did he want, you're probably asking yourself, well I'll tell you. He accused me of saying some shit about Clary's father at a party this weekend. Obviously I went to deny it but he said he saw video proof which I had to admit confused me. The more I thought about it the more I realized I had no idea what happened this weekend. I remember seeing him and Clary leave the party and then waking up today. I assumed I had just slept through yesterday with Alec. I was still trying to remember saying something about Clary's dad when I realized he said he saw it on Amanda's phone and I swear if this were a tv show it would've shown one of those corny flashback sequences because that sure is how it felt to my brain.

I'm sitting on a counter in someone's kitchen. Everything is fuzzy and I wanted to leave but Alec said he wanted to stay and I didn't want to leave him so here I am. Alec is on a couch that for some reason had been pulled into the kitchen next to the counter. Someone pours me a shot and I gulp it down as I hear cheers from the football guys causing me to grin. Suddenly I hear Amanda's grating voice, "Well I hear that her soon to be stepdad Luke let Valentine die in the war because he was in love with Clary's whore of a mother." 

I knew she was trying to bait me but I remember the day my dad's got the call about Valentine. My father, Michael, was close to Valentine when they went to Herondale. I hear him tell my other dad the story and as much as I hate to speak ill of the dead, Luke wasn't the villain of this story. I don't know if it was the alcohol making me lose my temper or if it truly is that short but before I can stop myself I blurt out, "You know Amanda you should really talk out of your mouth, not your ass." I pause to giggle along with whoever is still supplying me with shots. During my pause, she asked for some clarification and the alcohol in my system talks before my brain can think of the consequences. "Luke didn't do anything wrong," I start, "I heard the whole story from my dads when it happened. Her father was big on experiments and eventually, one was bound to fail. It almost killed his whole unit. He never should've been in charge." I take another couple of shots before finishing. "Luke saved everyone in the unit and he tried to save Valentine too. Evidently he got a taste of his own medicine. If you ask me he deserved it too." I don't say it but I remember my Michael talking about how manipulative Val was.

As I stay in my thoughts I hear Amanda ask, "Do you think Clary will turn out the same way. Maybe she'll go psycho on Jace and he'll learn his lesson about scholarships." I hear people laugh and my blood boils. 

"There you go again Mandy," I say watching her cringe at the nickname she clearly hates. "Always talking about things you don't understand or know anything about." I'm talking about Clary being rich but before she gets a chance to ask I answer her question. "As for Clary, what do you want me to say, Mandy? The apple doesn't fall far from the tree? Not gonna happen because she is the best thing to happen to Jace and I've known him longer than you. You're just jealous because he sees you for the vile whore you are but the fact of the matter is," I hop off the counter getting closer to her and whisper inches from her face words that are heard by everyone in the now silent room. "Clary or no Clary, nobody wants a used up, STD ridden skank when there will always be someone better because no amount of money will ever make you anything more than the bottom of the barrel, Mandy," I say in a venomous voice before grabbing Alec to leave.

As I remember this, I realize that when I walked over to Amanda she was slipping something into her pocket. Standing there, even with a head-cold I realize we all had been played. I was plied with liquor to make sure I would talk and Amanda recorded our conversation and then cut out all the good things I said like the fact that I was defending Luke. I tried to explain this to Jace for a couple of minutes before I realized I was already condemned before he even arrived at my door. He didn't want an explanation because he had already made up his mind making me wonder if he ever changed his mind about me making me lose my temper. I yell at him before telling him to go before retreating into my room and closing and locking the door. I listen until I hear his footsteps retreat before falling on my bed in a daze. My body wants to cry but I don't let it, instead, I go over to my phone and call the only people that will make me feel better.

After I set a meeting place with Jake and Zach at the emerald dancer I get dressed. However, when I open my door Alec is standing there. "Tell me it isn't true. Tell me you didn't say all those things."

I sigh. "Look if you're here to yell at me, save your breath I'm to sick to focus. Besides, you were there too Alec laugh at all the things Amanda said about Clary. Don't worry I won't tell anyone, you were drunk you didn't know what was happening you were probably just laughing because everyone else was."

"So you said those things but you had a good reason, right?" I can tell how anxious he is and can't help but wonder why he cares so much. It isn't like he will change Jace's mind.

"Yeah. I said those things to defend Luke because I heard the story from my dads. They were friends with Luke and they knew Val. I was drunk and it made me angry that she was talking crap about someone my dads respected so much and that Clary and Jon love so much so I went off. I was too wasted to notice she was recording. My guess if she made sure there was noise whenever I said anything good so It made me sound like a bitch."

"Good." He says as I see his shoulders visibly relax.

"Wait so you're just going to believe me. Just like that. You realize if you do you're choosing my side. I don't want to ruin your relationship with Jace or Izzy for that matter."

His eyes darken at the mention of Jace and he says, "Izzy will understand and if she doesn't then that's her problem. As for Jace, I told him to hear your side of the story before passing judgment and if he didn't he put himself on the opposite side of me so he can go fuck himself.

I had never heard him talk about my brother like that so I can't stop the laugh that escapes my lips. "Hey I'm going to hang out with J and Z, wanna come?"

"Sure I don't really want to deal with Jace." I notice his cheeks turn pink as he rubs his neck and looks around. "Would you mind if I stay here until this all blows over. You don't have to obviously but.." 

I cut him off before he can start his ramble. "Of course Alec, Mi Casa es Su Casa now let's go," I giggle grabbing his hand and leading him away from this school and my dreadful day.

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