Chapter 35- Josette Makes A New Friend

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Clary's P.O.V.

It's been a week since everyone found out about Jace and Josette. They still aren't talking and Josette, Jake, and Zach have started sitting at a different table. Izzy went with them and Alec and Magnus sit over there sometimes too. Jace and Magnus are still pretty angry with each other but I can tell Jace is just holding on to the anger as a way to keep his mind off Josette. I didn't realize how happy he had been lately until they stopped talking. She's not rude to him or anything like that. In fact, it's kind of weird because she always had some retort to everything Jace said but now she answers politely if he asks her a question and if he tries to start a conversation with her she just pretends not to hear. Jace tries to get a rise out of her but he goes about it the wrong way, as I am constantly telling him. He calls her mean names and says rude things out of frustration and now he's convinced she hates him more than ever.

It might be easier if Izzy wasn't also mad at him. She was pretty angry that he kept the fact that he had a sister secret from her since they've known each other since birth. She may have forgiven him sooner if she hadn't found out Alec already knew. They tried to tell her he only knew because they had followed Josie but she didn't want to hear it. She didn't talk to Alec for 3 days until he apologized for not telling her and said it wasn't his secret to tell. She seemed to find this acceptable and forgave. She's definitely taken Josette's side of this fight but it seems everyone else has too. Alec makes snide comments toward Jace sometimes but I think that more about the fact that he acts like a two-year-old to try and get Josie to say something. 

Jace and my relationship is stronger than ever though. I finally told my mom about him when she set a date for the wedding and I asked if I could bring a date, despite it being a few months away. After that, she wouldn't let the subject drop until I told her out of fear that Jonathan would tell her first and she would be even angrier. As it turns out she didn't care that he was a Herondale because she said he seemed nicer than his parents and she even invited him over for Thanksgiving this Thursday which he accepted. 

As a matter of fact, we were talking about Thanksgiving when Izzy appeared at our lunch table. "Is it true?" She asks Jace. I can't gauge her mood but she isn't shouting so it seems like progress.

"Is what true?"

"That you aren't spending Thanksgiving with us?"

"Yeah. I'm spending it with Clary and her family. I asked Maryse and she said it was fine."

"By the Angel, first you lie to us for our entire lives about having a sister, then you leave her without anyone on Thanksgiving and it's not even to spend it with the family you've lived with since you were ten, it's to spend Thanksgiving with the family of the girl you just started dating like 3 weeks ago." She turns to me, "No offense Clary."

"None taken I guess," I answer, unsure how to respond but Jace seems to know what to say. 

"Izzy you've barely talked to me all week and you want me to feel bad about skipping dinner with you guys. And I'm sure Josette already has plans and if she doesn't, I'm almost positive she wouldn't want me to fill the empty slot in them." I notice he has started calling her Josette again instead of Josie or JJ like he sometimes did before their fight. Before I can focus too much on this, Izzy storms away from the table. On her way to meet Josette, who's walking towards her with a concerned look on her face, she runs into a boy almost knocking him over. Lucky for the kid, Josette was walking towards Izzy and she manages to catch him.

The kid looks Hispanic and has curly black hair. He also doesn't seem to think he was forturne to have Jo catch him. He jerks away from her and says something about her not plowing into everyone just because she's mad that her boyfriends with another girl. Izzy looks confused but Josette asks if he's talking about Jace to which he responds, "I don't know what Mr. I-think-I'm-Special-because-I-play-football-and-have-golden-hair's name is all I know is Ms. Doesn't-understand-how-to-walk over here was talking to him all angry before she tried to take me out."

"I did not try and take you out it was an accident ever heard of them?" Izzy's affronted by the kid's behavior but Josette seems to think it's hilarious.

"You're pretty funny, kid. I don't think I've seen you around here before. I'm Josette."

"My name is Raphael and you haven't seen me because I'm new obviously." The kid seems kinda rude but Josette doesn't seem to mind she throws her arm around him which he doesn't look thrilled about and invites him over to her table.

"Wow, she really can make friends with anyone, huh," comments Alec.

Magnus looks at him and says, "Except for Jace apparently," before going back to eating. Jace glares and says something about her dropping him by the end of lunch. I had to admit it seemed likely because Josie has kind of a sort temper but she walked into French class with her arm still thrown over Raphael's shoulders but he seemed a lot happier about it now and they were laughing along with Jake, Zach, and Izzy. Jake gave up his seat next to Josie to make room for Raphael who was complaining about the school not letting him take Spanish because he already spoke it. This made Jo, Jake, and Zach laugh as Jo told him they all used to live in France and yet they were in French one.

They laughed and joked the whole class and I could tell Jace was getting more and more angry as the class went by, apparently, he had already met Raphael and neither of them was a fan of the other. Around the end of class, they were talking about their plans for Thanksgiving and Raphael turned to Josette and said, "I'm sure you probably already have plans, but if you don't you can come to my house for Thanksgiving." 

Josette grinned at him, "Actually, I don't have plans. I was gonna try and get an invite from Izzy but I would love to spend Thanksgiving at the Santiago house, especially if the rest of your family is as entertaining as you are."

"They aren't," Raphael answers distastefully. Josette and her group laugh at the same time that Jace snaps his pencil in half from gripping it too tight. Okay, I seriously need to get him, Josette, and Izzy to make up.

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