Chapter 12- Fallout

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Clary's P.O.V.

I slept through most of Saturday only waking up when Izzy said we needed sustenance and something for our headaches. On Sunday Izzy and I had plans with Alec and Magnus but they canceled so we hung out with each other instead. "So what happened between you and Simon at the party?" I ask Sunday night while Izzy tests out different hairstyles on me.

"Nothing," she claims looking away and, holy crap, is she blushing????

"Really, because I might not remember much but I do remember being in a hallway and seeing you and Simon going pretty hot and heavy."

Izzy blushes again before turning probing eyes on me. "Fine, I might have been making out with Simon but I seem to recall coming up for air and seeing you and Jace in the same position before disappearing into some room."

"What are you..." I trail off suddenly remembering the party. Dancing with Si and Seb. Walking in on Magnus and Alec, the shots, and suddenly all I can see is Jace's face filled with affection telling me all he can think about is me. "Holy shit I think I might have had sex with Jace!" I scream.

"What!! What do you mean you think?" 

"I remember kissing him and going into the room but that's it. I can't remember anything else. Holy shit I might have lost my virginity and I don't even remember what happened?"

"What?" Izzy screeches. "You're a virgin. But you so pretty all the guys look at you."

"Guys don't make that decision Iz, I do and I might not be a virgin anymore."

"Well, I can tell you that you didn't have sex with Jace because some drunk idiot slammed into the door and Jace opened it to see what happened and then went back inside, grabbed you and said you were drunk. He told me to get you back to the school while he found Magnus and Alec. I called a cab, said goodnight to Simon and we came back here. Why do you still look like that I just told you that you didn't sleep with him."

"Iz, last night, the reason I kissed Jace was that he told me that he likes me, well more than likes me he practically said he hasn't stopped thinking about me and he looked like he really meant it."

"Of course he did I see the way he looks at you. Just wait until tomorrow by the end of the day you'll be the hottest couple Herondale High has ever seen.


I saw Jace in my first three classes but I didn't get a chance to talk to him. I hoped the fourth hour would be different but on my way there Alec stopped me. "Hey, Clary.

"Hey," I question confused because Alec hasn't really seemed like he wanted to be my friend before so I have no idea why he's suddenly talking to me but he tells me.

"So about what you saw Friday.."

"Oh don't worry as far as anybody is concerned I didn't see anything. I was a little shocked because from the way you glare at the girls around Jace I thought you had a thing for him but it must just be the overprotective brother thing that my brother does. I was gonna tell Izzy but I figured that was up to you. I'm happy for you, by the way, I can tell you and Magnus make each other really happy." I whisper so nobody can overhear.

Alec looks shocked as he processes what he just said. "Oh thanks, I don't know why but I thought you might tell. Probably because Jace likes you and he only goes for shallow girls that are bitches to everyone else but I don't think I have to worry anyhow because I'm pretty sure Magnus will never talk to me again." Alec blushes looking even more shocked than before though I don't know if it's because he told me Jace likes me or because he told me Magnus won't talk to him again.

"Well I don't know Magnus very well but he seems like the forgiving type so just talk to him. And about Jace, he told me on Friday that he likes me so you didn't betray his confidence or anything. Izzy actually told me to talk to him and ask him out if he doesn't ask first."

"Well, I hope that works out Clary really. You're actually a pretty good person."

"Thanks." I walk to fourth hour and hope that I can talk to Jace.


I'm glad we have lunch after fourth hour because I don't think I could wait any longer to talk to Jace. Izzy and I grab our food and sit down. We make small talk until Magnus and Alec walk in. Usually, they walk in laughing and joking but today Magnus doesn't look at ALec or even smile when I say hello. He sits as far as he can from Alec going so far as to sit in between Izzy and me. We share a look and then I sneak a glance towards Alec to see that he looks miserable. I'm about to scoot over and talk to him when Jace walks in. I suddenly notice just how handsome he is. He might be arrogant but I've seen how he is with Izzy and Alec and the look he gets on his face when he talks about his other brother Max. I can tell that deep down he's a huge softie.

He sits at the table and looks at me. I open my mouth to say what I've been waiting to say since last night when Amanda walks out of nowhere and sits right on Jace's lap. My jaw drops. "Hey, baby. I haven't seen you since Saturday morning. My bed feels lonely without you." I pale.

"What's she talking about Saturday morning?" Izzy asks indignantly.

Amanda flashes her a smug grin. "Well Jacey and me started talking at the party and we were dancing and drinking and when I invited him back to my room he was more than happy to oblige." I want to believe she's lying but I can tell from the look on Jace's face that she's not. 

Izzy turns on Jace. "When was this? When you said you went looking for Alec and Magnus?"

Jace looks ashamed, " I did go looking for them and then I ran into Amanda." Izzy yells something back and soon everyone is looking at him. Jace is looking around at everything but refuses to meet my eye and I realize I don't want him to. By the angel, how could I be so stupid? It doesn't matter though he reminded me how much of a player he is right when I needed it. I decide I won't let this affect me but then I catch the look on Alec's face. He looks at me with sympathy and then turns an indignant look on Jace. As soon as I realize that Alec is indignant on my behalf I suddenly can't handle it. I tell Magnus I have to use the restroom and walk out of the cafeteria away from Jace, Izzy, Amanda and whoever else had joined in on the yelling. As soon as I get outside I run to the nearest bathroom and breakdown. When the bell ending lunch rings. I leave the stall fix myself in the mirror until you can't tell that I was crying before facing the rest of the day along with the boy who I never should have let near my heart.

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