Chapter 56- A Day We'll Never Forget (Part 1)

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A/N: Hey Everybody, I want to start this by saying Thank You to everyone who is reading my book and I really hope you guys are enjoying it. This will be one of the last chapters of the book and I was thinking about writing a sequel that will take place in Magus, Alec and Josie's Senior year and will mostly their P.O.V.s so please comment and tell me if you want to see a sequel or not. Thanks. ~Jess😘😍

Josette's P.O.V.

I woke up Monday morning feeling relaxed and satisfied for the first time in a while and I know that it's because I've finally made peace with Clary and Izzy. I guess I never realized how much I missed them until we hung out yesterday. They came to my dorm and Izzy went through my closet looking for clothes and shoes to steal from all the shipments I've gotten from my dads' fashion companies in Paris. She said it was because she wouldn't want me to run out of closet space but I knew it was because her parents told her should wasn't allowed to spend as much money on clothes anymore and mine were free. When Izzy was done, we talked catching up on what had happened during the fight and I told them about Alec and my prom night, leaving out the kiss of course, and just enjoyed each other's company for the rest of the day. 

As I think over the memories of the day before a dark cloud ruins my relaxation and suddenly I'm back to the night of prom.

Small Flashback

I walk away from Alec feeling guilty for causing the fight between him and Magnus but when I turn the corner after the getting off the staircase I come face to face with Magnus. "Magnus what are you.."

"Nothing, I was just going back to my room." He cuts me off and then walks past me towards the men's dorms. I stand there for a moment confused about why he seemed so upset when it hits me. He saw Alec kiss me. I instantly feel guilt eat away at me. I'm going to be the cause of strife in their relationship again. Great.

It the memory that makes me get out of bed. I need to see Magnus before class and the only way I can talk to him in private is by going to his room so I get up and dress in jeans and a tight blue sweater slipping on some sneakers. On my way out the door, I catch a glimpse of my reflection in the mirror and realize this is the most normal I've dressed since I got to this school. Later on, I'll find it funny how normal the day the feels and how normal I'm dressed considering what happens but for right now I just keep heading to Magnus' room. 

I knock on his door and wait. After a couple of minutes, I start to worry that he may have had to get up early for something and isn't here but before I can have another thought the door swings open and I see Magnus standing there in pair of boxers a look of confusion on his face. "Josette?" He questions but I don't give him any more time to think before I push him back into the room and close the door behind me.

"Put on some clothes, we need to talk. Now!" I say in a commanding tone. Magnus looks a little scared as he scurries over to his dresser and grabs some clothes. Meanwhile, I take a seat in one of the chairs he has in his room where the other bed would typically be.

Magnus sits on his bed fully dressed and stares at me for a few minutes before glancing at the clock to see it's only 7 am and school doesn't start for another hour and a half. "What's so urgent that you had to wake me up early to talk about?" He asks in a crappy tone before glancing at the clock and back to me quickly again before saying, "Actually what's so important that you're up this early? I didn't know that you could wake up before 8."

"That's because I usually don't but I needed to talk to you it's important."

"So you've said."

"Look I know you saw Alec kiss me." I see his face scrunch up before it goes completely blank. I can tell he's about to deny it so I cut him off. "Look I'm not stupid Magnus. You know that. You once told me you had never met someone so vindictive in your life so I know that you know how deceptive I am."

"You know, I didn't mean that as a compliment right?"

I ignore him and continue. "I let your fight with Alec go because both of you were pissed at me but when Alec forgave me, I should've done something to fix things so I guess this is kind of my fault. Look I get that you're pissed and you probably hate me but I'm not doing this for me. I saw the look of despair on your face after you saw Alec kiss me so I'm here to clear the air I guess. Alec kissed me because he misses you. He was with me because he tried to reconcile with you but you spewed some bullshit about not wanting to ruin your guys' friendship."

"I don't want to ruin it. I don't want him out of my life again."

"Bullshit," I yell. I calm down a bit and continue but I can hear the venom in my voice now. "You don't want to get back with Alec because you're scared that some other secret you're keeping from him will get in your way again and God forbid you tell him your secrets because Alec just goes around gossiping to everyone. And we both know that the other reason you won't get back with him is because you want to punish him for hurting you because as manipulative as you love to point out I am you are just as bad Magnus Bane! You are hurting Alec out of spite simply because you can so how about you do everyone a favor and grow the fuck up and make things right. You can't punish and blame everyone else for your mistakes Magnus. That's what I've learned. You have to let everything in or you're going to be miserable your entire life and I don't want that for you because once upon a time you were my best friend, once upon a time I loved you more than anyone in my entire life and I had to let you go because of MY mistakes and I had to learn that it wasn't Camille's fault or your fault it was my fault and that's what you need to realize about you and Alec got it." I finish my rant and get up going to the door but his voice stops me. 

"You said you loved me more than anyone else in your life. If you were in love with me why did you let me anywhere near Camille?" 

I don't turn to him but I can see the distressed and confused look on his face in his reflection on the mirror by his door. If I weren't so upset I might find it funny we have mirrors in practically the same place but right now I make eye contact with him in his mirror before answering. "I let you get involved with Camille because she made you happy and I didn't know who she was or what she would do to you. That's why I made her leave when I found out but you were too far gone, but I wasn't in love with you Magnus." I finally turn around and face him. "I thought that maybe I was even last night I still believed it but when I saw your face when you thought Alec had replaced you with me I saw what love really looks like. It's messy and it can destroy you if you aren't careful but it's such an intense feeling that you would do anything to feel it. I never felt that with you. I confused the feeling of trusting you more than anyone else with love. You love Alec and I know he loves you to Magnus so don't let this go out of anger because you will regret it forever." I finish gently before heading back to my dorm to finish getting ready for school.

If only I knew what would that day. If only I knew how all our lives would change that day at lunch thanks to Amanda but I didn't. As far as I knew this day was as normal as every other day this year.

What do you guys think is going to happen at lunch? ~Jess😘😍

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