Chapter 58- A Day We'll Never Forget (Part 3)

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Clary's P.O.V.

I can't believe how good things have been since Saturday. Jace and I made up and I told Josette all about it Sunday. I honestly can't tell you what Izzy's happier about, the fact that we made up with Josie, Jace, and Alec or the fact that she now has full access to Josie's closet again. I'm a little scared it's the ladder.

Yesterday when I talked to Josie she mentioned that she's worried about turning 18 because when she does she'll have to make the choice of whether she'll inherit the school or not. She said she talked to Jace about it and he seemed fine but she doesn't know. I brought it up to Jace today in Math class and I think Josie is right. I think Jace is worried that she'll choose to inherit it and he'll be left with nothing. I want to tell him that she wouldn't do that to him but I don't want to get into a fight since we just got out of the one Amanda caused.

Speaking of Amanda, she's been giving us death glares all day. I guess she didn't think we would ever try to talk about what happened and realize what she did. I don't know which is worse, the fact that that was her plan or that it almost worked I mean if Josette hadn't tried to apologize I never would have known. Maybe Amanda thought that her pride would get the best of her. Guess that shows what she knows about Josette.

Josie, Izzy, Jace, and I were sitting at our usual lunch table with the addition of Jake and Zach who I've come to realize aren't actually interested in making friends just making sure that Josette is ok. Josette was telling us about her earlier conversation with Magnus.

"By the Angel, I'm a terrible sister, I didn't even know the two of them had made up. If I had I would've told Magnus off myself." Says Izzy in a fierce tone.

Jake snorts. "Yeah a right. I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm sure you would've gone off plenty well but nobody and I mean nobody is as....persuasive, yeah that's what we'll call it, persuasive as Josette."

"God Jake you make it sound like I threatened to murder him or something."

"Oh you mean you didn't. I guess that's a step up from Belcourt." Zach laughs. Josette throws a grape at him with perfect aim causing it to hit him in the eye.

"Well, maybe that will teach you some manner. Plus, I don't think it counts as a threat if you intend to keep your word, then it more of a promise." Josette responds with a mischievous glint in her eye that causes us all to laugh. That's what we were doing right before it all went down, laughing. If only we could've kept laughing.

We hear someone clear their throat in what seems to be an angry manner and we all turn to see Amanda at the end of our table in between Josette and Jace who had been sitting across from each other.

"What the hell. You don't get to just all be friends again," she fumes.

Josette looks amused. "And why not Mandy, because of your little scheme to tear us all apart. Newsflash, it didn't work, if anything, it made us stronger."

"No, it was working, it should have worked. I thought about everything. Why didn't it work?"

This time, I respond. "It didn't work because all it took was Josette apologizing for me to realize something was missing from the video and if you framed Josette, chances were, you did the same with Jace. The only thing I don't understand is why you hate me so much that you would try and ruin all my relationships."

"It wasn't about you, you dumb whore. It was about Jace. I wanted to prove to him that I was the only one that would be there for him." She puts her hand in her sweatshirt pocket as she talks and I think there is something in there but I can't tell what it is.

"If you only wanted Jace and I to break up, why did you go after my friendship with Josie?"

"She needed to be taught a lesson about how she treated me. Not to mention that I knew Alec would take her side from how close they were that night, costing Jace two friends and I knew that if she was still friends with you, she would convince you to give Jace a second chance and I could have that." She sounds completely crazy and people are starting to notice. She's yelling everything at us but while everyone at the table just looks annoyed Josette looks worried, although I can't imagine why. "I got her out of your life and everything would've fallen into place but I didn't take into account that Jace would just run to his other whore, Josette. It was supposed to be me, Jace. Why didn't you come to me?"

I hear Izzy mumble something that sounds like "Probably because you're a psycho bitch," and it's that comment that makes me realize Josie hasn't said anything. Usually, she's all for putting people in their place so what is wrong with her now.

"I didn't come to you because it was all your fault, Amanda. You can't just ruin people's lives and expect them to thank you for it."

"Yeah well, I don't need your thanks, Jace. You had your chance. You made your choice, now I've made mine." I remember feeling confused at first. I remember thinking, what choice? I remember looking at Izzy and sharing a look of confusion, that look must have been what made me miss it because one moment, I'm looking away from a furious look Amanda and the next, I hear a loud noise. It's so loud it hurts my head but it's a noise I recognize. A noise I heard all those times Luke took Jon and me, and sometimes even Simon, to the shooting range at the police station where he worked. It was the loud noise a gun makes when someone fires it.

I see the look on Izzy's face go from confused to shocked to horrified. I'm scared to see what happened. I know Amanda fired the gun and something in my guts tells me she fired at Jace. I don't want to see the aftermath. Facing Izzy means I am also facing the door which is how I see a confused Alec and Magnus rush into the cafeteria with a confused look on their faces. I keep looking at them to see that confusion melt away into shock and then I see Magnus's face turn worried. Not worried for himself but worried for Jace. But wait, Magnus doesn't like Jace, why would he be worried, for Alec maybe, but then it hits me and the realization is so sudden I turn around. Oh, how I wish I hadn't turned around.

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