Chapter 3

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    "You can drop me off here" Rome said once Pick pulled up to the street before his house.  Pick hummed in response as he unlocked the car doors for him.  Pick honestly didn't understand why Rome didn't just have him pull up to his house but he didn't feel like it was his place to question it either.  "Thanks for the ride but you don't need to do it again" Rome said and got out before Pick could respond, causing Pick to roll down his window.

    "I do what I want, shorty" was the only thing Pick said before driving off.  Rome rolled his eyes but couldn't help but smile as he made his way home. 


    " and P'Pick huh?" Emma raised a seemingly teasing eyebrow from across the lunch table.  It had been a few weeks and Pick nor Rome really understood why but Pick suddenly made the habit of picking him up and dropping him off at school.  Though Rome never told him where he lived, Pick was always passing by when he was on his way to school.  Pick thought there was really no harm in picking Rome up if they were heading to the same place anyways.

    "What about us?" Rome asked a bit too defensively.  He still hadn't told Emma he was gay and he couldn't help but become anxious hearing her teasing tone. 

    "'s just you two seem to have gotten close.  No need to get so defensive..." She said softly. 

    "Sorry...I didn't mean to snap at you" Rome sighed.  

    "It's alright...I was just teasing.  But you know Rome...I wouldn't judge you if you like men"  Emma said hesitantly. 

    "W-what?" Rome barely got out.  He definitely wasn't expecting this conversation to happen right now but what surprised him even more was that she said she wouldn't judge him.

    "Sorry...was that too forward?  I don't want to invade your privacy or anything, I just feel really close to you and I don't want you to feel scared or judged" Emma said softly. 

    "I...thank you E-Emma" Rome sniffled quietly and hid his face in his hands.  He couldn't help but cry.  He was overwhelmed by the amount of support Emma had for him; he'd never had that before.  Hearing Rome, Emma knew.  He didn't have to say anything.  There was no coming out to her.  There was just an understanding between them and that was what Rome really needed. 

    "You don't need to thank me dumby.  I didn't do anything" she laughed softly to lighten the mood as she went to his side to hug him close. 

    "Oi!  Rome's really trying to steal my girl" Porsche joked as he walked over to the table with Pick.  Pick noticed Rome wipe at his eyes quickly as if he had been crying but he didn't say anything since it was clear that Rome didn't want them to notice.

    "You're such a dumbass" Rome and Emma said at the same time, causing them to laugh. 

    "Okay, that was seriously disturbing.  Are you twins or something because I really  don't need two of you making my life miserable" Porsche joked causing Emma to whack him on the head as he sat down with Pick across the table "Oi!  I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"

    "Really though, what's up with the PDA in the middle of the canteen?  If you're going to cheat don't make it obvious" Pick joined in with a smirk.

    "You're such a jerk" Rome rolled his eyes, making Pick raise an eyebrow and laugh "it's none of your business." 

    "The question is, do you mean Emma cheating on me or Rome cheating on you?" Porsche chimed in with a laugh

    "What the hell are you on about?" Pick asked as he shoved his best friend's shoulder. 

    "Nothing~  You two have just been pretty chummy lately" Porsche teased making Rome blush the slightest bit. 

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