Chapter 8

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    "Emma, I'm really fine in what I'm wearing" Rome said as Emma scavenged through her clothes to find the perfect pair of pajamas for him to wear. 

    "Oh I know you are but I am not" Emma looked over her shoulder to smile at him "everyone who stays the night at my house is required to wear cute pajamas.  It's just how it is~  Lucky we're the same size!"

    "Right...lucky..." Rome mumbled. 

    "What was that?"


    "That's what I thought" Emma said before gasping, "perfect!  You'll wear this!" she said ecstatically as she held up a pair of oversized shorts and a short sleeved top covered in teddy bears. 

    "I am not wearing that" Rome said immediately.  He already knew he had bruises all over his legs and arms.  There was no way they'd be hidden in that.  

    "Oh come on Rome.  I though you liked cute things!" Emma pouted. 

    "I do but...shorts?  Really?" 

    "They're oversized!  They won't reveal your size don't worry" Emma winked.

    "Emma!" Rome whined "that's not what I'm worried about!" 

    "Then what are you worried about?" Emma raised an eyebrow as she shoved them into his hands. 

    "They're still shorts...I don't really want to reveal my legs."

    "Why?  Because they're too sexy?~" Emma teased. 

    "Emma!" Rome whined again and shook his head at her, "I just don't."

    "Well you're going to have to.  Now change!" Emma said and turned around, "I don't hear any movement.  You should be changing~"  

    "Emma...can you please just give me something with long sleeves and pants?  I'm cold" Rome said.

    "Fine...I guess it is cold" Emma sighed and rummaged through her closet again, "okay!  How about this?" Emma smiled brightly as she held up a koala pajama set. 

    "Sure" Rome smiled in relief and took the pajamas to change into as Emma turned around again.

    "Rome are you done ch-" Emma cut herself off as she turned around before she finished asking.  Rome was still putting his shirt on and Emma noticed the bruises and burn marks that covered his back.  "Rome...what happened to you?" Emma covered her mouth as she gasped.

    Rome's eyes widened as he quickly pulled the top over his body and turned to face her, "nothing!  Nothing happened Emma.  What are you talking about?" 

    "You...You're covered in bruises.  Don't try and fool me Rome" Emma said. 

    "No, I'm not Emma.  You must have been seeing things.  Why did you turn around before I could answer anyways?"

    "I'm not stupid" Emma said and went closer to him causing Rome to step back.  "Look at me Rome; tell me who hurt you" she said softly as Rome stared down at his feet. 

    "N-no one hurt me Emma."  Rome's heart was beating out of his chest and it was getting harder for him to breath.  He never expected any of them to find out about this aspect of his life.  He didn't want them to; he wanted to be normal just once.  Rome never wanted to make Emma worry for him. 

    "Hey, hey breathe Rome; it's okay" Emma said as she rubbed his back soothingly.  Rome couldn't even focus on her words.  Before he knew what he was doing, he locked himself in Emma's bathroom to try and calm his shaking body.  "Rome...let me in" Emma said softly as she knocked on the door after a couple minutes had passed but she was left with silence.  Emma bit her lip anxiously as she contemplated whether she should get Pick or not.  Rome would probably be even more mad if she told someone else but she had no other choice.  Pick was the only person she could think of to calm Rome down.  "P'Pick" Emma called out as she went downstairs. 

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