Chapter 10

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    "I'll get you a change of clothes.  Do you want to take a shower?" Pick asked once he finished tending to the small boy's wounds, "actually I just applied medicine so you probably shouldn't.  You're clean anyways" he decided before Rome got a chance to answer. 

    "Am...Am I staying the night?" Rome asked hesitantly. 

    "Aren't you?" Pick raised an eyebrow, "I thought that was a given."

    "But...I can't just show up to your house and make you let me spend the night.  I shouldn't even be sitting on your couch."  Rome was just now starting to process how nice Pick's house was.  By the looks of it, only Pick lived here and it was quite spacious for the average college student.  He felt as though his very presence was tainting everything in his sight. 

    "Listen shorty, how many times do I have to tell you I do what I want?  Am I not the one that assumed you were staying in the first place?  You're not forcing me to do anything."

    "But...well alright."

    "Good.  Now come on."

    "Where are we going?" 

    "To my room so I can give you some clothes" Pick said like it was obvious. 

    "T-to your room?"

    "That is what I just said; yes" Pick laughed, "don't worry I won't do anything to you...unless you want me to" Pick teased.

    "What are you talking about?!  You're crazy!" Rome blushed brightly. 

    "I didn't say anything" Pick shrugged casually with a grin.  "Anyways, here you go.  You can go change in the bathroom if you want" he said as he handed over a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie. 

    "Thanks..." Rome said as he locked the door behind him.  It felt so weird being in Pick's home, holding his clothes that he was about to change into.  I wonder if his clothes smell like him...Should, no Rome that would be weird.  Don't smell them.  Rome shook his head to dispose of the thoughts circling in his mind.  


    "What the fuck are you laughing at?" Rome rolled his eyes as he stepped out of the bathroom. 

    "I-I'm sorry it's just you're pretty much drowning shorty" Pick wiped at his eyes as he gestured to the sweatpants dragging under Rome's feet and the sleeves that surpassed his hands.

    "Whatever...I like oversized clothes anyways" Rome tried to sound nonchalant as he felt a blush surface on his cheeks when Pick knelt down to roll up the legs of his pants.

    "Good, I like you in my clothes" Pick smiled as he stood back up. 

    "Why do you talk like that?" Rome mumbled. 

    "Like what?" Pick laughed softly seeing the small boy look down at his feet. 

    "You know what I I don't know..."

    "Then how am I supposed to know?" Pick smirked. 

    "Uh...just forget it..." Rome rubbed the back of his neck "your place is really nice..."

    "Thank you" Pick smiled "I know what you're thinking.  I must be rich right?" Pick laughed as Rome immediately looked up at him with wide eyes.

    "N-no!  I mean not at all!  I mean...was I being that obvious?" Rome bit at his lip. 

    "Kinda" Pick shrugged, "but it's okay" the tall boy added on with a smile, "my grandma left this house for me when she died.  I was really close with her."

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