Chapter 11

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    "Sooo?" Porsche asked with a teasing smile as he leaned over his desk to get closer to Pick who was in the seat in front of his. 

    "So what?" Pick raised an eyebrow as he looked back at his best friend. 

    "You know what I mean~" Porsche grinned, "how did it go with little Rome?"

    "It doesn't matter."

    "That doesn't sound good" Porsche pouted "I was wondering why you didn't come with him this morning.  Something happen?"

    "No, I mean he was gone when I woke up this morning.  I don't even know if he came to school today" Pick sighed. 

    "Why would he leave without telling you?  Did you do something?" Porsche asked accusingly. 

    "Do you really think so low of me?" Pick rolled his eyes, "I didn't do anything but tell him how I feel."

    "You told him how you feel?!" Porsche screeched.

    "Will you shut the fuck up?" Pick asked as he covered his mouth.

    "Sorry..." Porsche said bashfully as Pick removed his hand.  

    "Anyways, yeah I did.  He didn't take it well..."

    "What do you mean?  I know he likes you.  How could it have gone wrong?" 

    "I'm pretty sure he likes me too...but he denied it.  He said he only saw me as a friend.  I don't know...maybe it's true."

    "No, it can't be" Porsche placed a comforting hand on his shoulder, "Maybe he's scared or something for some reason."

    "Yeah, that's what I was thinking.  I just don't know what to do now.  I feel like if I don't do anything, he's never going to get out of his fear.  But I don't want to pressure him either" Pick sighed. 

    "The only thing you can really do it talk to him about it.  See if he'll open up to you and tell you why he's scared."

    "I don't think that's going to work.  I tried talking to him last night and he wouldn't admit to it."

    "Well that was last night.  The more you try to talk to him about it, the more likely he will eventually open up."

    "I guess you're right."


    "What?" Pick raised an eyebrow. 

    "You rarely say that" Porsche said with fake teary eyes, "Little Rome really has changed you."

    "You're so dumb" Pick laughed and shook his head. 

    "Rude" Porsche huffed.

    "Hey can you text Emma to see if Rome is at school?" Pick changed the subject as he took no notice to him. 

    "So you're just going to completely disregard the fact you hurt my heart?" Porsche asked dramatically. 

    "Are you going to do it or not?" Pick rolled his eyes. 

    "Only because you're my hubby" Porsche joked. 

    "I told you to never say that again" Pick fake gagged. 

    "You know I don't listen to you" Porsche smiled as he texted Emma. 

    "Just tell me what your girlfriend says" Pick shook his head at him as he turned back towards the front. 

    "Hey" Porsche said after a few minutes and kicked the back of Pick's seat to get his attention.  

    "Can you not do that?" Pick asked without turning around. 

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