Chapter 20 (Final Chapter)

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"There you go~" Pick's mom clapped her hands as she finished putting about a dozen warm blankets on Pick's bed. It was night by now and Rome was trying to get his mind off of the fact that he really wasn't going home for a second night. Rome couldn't stop his racing thoughts full of anxiety that his father would come and find him. He could never forgive himself if Pick and his family got hurt because of him.

"You think you got enough blankets there mom?" Pick raised an eyebrow, "How much blankets do you think someone so tiny needs?" Rome snapped out of his thoughts enough to whack Pick's shoulder upon hearing him.

"He may be tiny but you aren't Pick. Poor thing must've been freezing last night with you taking up all of the blanket."

"Oi! I made sure he was plenty warm. How cruel do you think I am?" Pick was right about that one. Rome even noticed Pick would have a leg hanging slightly out of the covers just to make sure Rome had enough blanket. Of course Rome wouldn't ruin this beautiful moment of Pick's mother scolding him however.

"Whatever you say~" Pick's mother sang, "Anyways, sleep well you two!"

"Yeah, yeah" Pick rolled his eyes as he watched his mom exit.

"P'Pick...I really think maybe I shouldn't stay here" Rome bit his lip.

"Come here" Pick said softly as he sat down on his bed, bringing Rome into his arms when he complied, "It's going to be okay. None of my family will let your father hurt you or us okay? I know you're scared but we got you."

"And what if you don't?" Rome asked shakily, "What if you get hurt?"

"We won't" Pick caressed the back of his head. It was silent for a while as the two boys just appreciated being in each other's presence. Rome was able to push his anxiety to the side for a moment as he focused on Pick's soothing actions.

"This is quite the position we're in" Rome commented as he processed the fact that he was practically straddling Pick's lap with said boy's arms wrapped around his waist.

Pick smirked hearing the small boy, "We end up in this position one way or another don't we? Are you trying to tell me something?" Pick raised an eyebrow as he trailed his hands up and down his sides.

Does he always have to be so shameless?  Rome was hoping that Pick would get shy from his words and give him the upper hand. 'Look who's blushing now.' Rome imagined himself saying. But no. Rome was the one blushing now. Why was it so easy for Pick to make him feel this way? "I'm not trying to tell you anything" Rome rolled his eyes.

"Are you sure about that?" Pick teased as he brought a hand up to caress Rome's cheek showing clearly that he noticed Rome's blush without even having to say anything.

"W-well what if I was?" Rome stuttered as he avoided his eyes. Yeah, I can be shameless too.

"Then I'd very gladly accept the invitation" Pick said as he brought his hands back down to rub circles on Rome's hips causing a shiver to go down his spine.

"W-well we can't do anything anyways. Your parents are here" Rome mumbled.

"They're in bed" Pick said as he started to kiss his neck.

"That doesn't mean they're asleep...what if they hear us?" Rome whined but even he could hear the lack of actual resistance in his voice.

"Then we'll be quiet" Pick pulled away to observe him, "unless you really don't want to do anything."

"I...Don't stop" Rome whispered causing the smirk to return to Pick's face as he went back to trailing kisses from his neck down to his shoulder. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2019 ⏰

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