Chapter 14

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    "Your house is really nice P'" Rome commented as Pick started driving to the nearest convenience store. 

    "Oh you think so?" Din smiled, "it is pretty nice."

    "That's exactly what a rich kid would say, 'pretty nice'" Pick mocked. 

    "Well you're pretty well-off yourself, aren't you?" Din raised an eyebrow. 

    "Not as much as you."

    "How would you know?" 

    "I can tell just by your house."

    "Guys, chill.  It's not a competition" Rome rolled his eyes hearing them banter causing them both to back off. 

    "Anyways, what's your house like Rome?"  

    "'s nice" Rome answered awkwardly. 

    "Yeah, he's not rich or anything but it's a nice home" Pick said as he pat Rome's thigh when he heard his discomfort. 

    "Well I'd love to see it some time" Din smiled. 

    "Yeah...maybe some day."  Rome was saved from further conversation as Pick pulled up to the convenience store after what felt like an eternity. 

    "Let's go" Pick said simply as he got out of his car and walked inside. 

    "What are you getting?" Rome asked as he looked around. 

    "Probably some chips or something" Pick said as he picked out a bag of salt and vinegar chips "these are hella good."

    "Get a couple bags.  I want some" Rome said hearing him. 

    "I want some too" Din commented. 

    "Good for you."

    "P'!" Rome smacked Pick's shoulder. 

    "I was kidding!" Pick complained as Rome shook his head at him. 

    "I'm going to look at the snacks over there" Rome said as his eyes spotted the candy section.  

    "Need help?" Pick chuckled when he walked by.  Rome was desperately reaching for the watermelon sour candy but he couldn't seem to get them.

    Rome quickly went off of his tippy toes "with?" Rome asked casually. 

    "This" Pick smirked as he grabbed the candy easily and put it in Rome's hand. 

    "How'd you know I wanted these?  What a coincidence" Rome laughed awkwardly as he rubbed the back of his neck. 

    "Maybe because I saw your little self trying to reach for them" Pick teased. 

    "P'~  Shut up!" Rome whined and pushed his shoulder, only resulting in the taller laughing more.

    "I even got a picture" Pick laughed hysterically as he pulled it up on his phone to show him. 

    "P'!  Delete that right now!" Rome said as he lunged for his phone.

    "Why?  It's for my eyes only don't worry" Pick smirked as he raised the phone above his head. 

    "Now you're just being a jerk" Rome whined as he jumped for it once before automatically giving up, "and that's all the more reason to delete it!" 

    "No can do" Pick smiled victoriously, "let's go pay."

    "Just wait until I get a picture of you" Rome rolled his eyes as he followed him.

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