Chapter 4

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    As Rome lay in his bed that night, everything that Phun had said that day suddenly rushed back to him.  Rome didn't have enough time to process everything as it happened and now that he thought about it, he panicked.  Phun called me a faggot...he definitely did...right in front of P'Pick.  P'Pick must know now right?  What am I going to do?  Well...he didn't say anything so maybe he didn't hear.  Who am I kidding?  He even called P'Pick my boyfriend.  There's no way he didn't notice.  Rome covered his face with a pillow as he groaned at the abundance of thoughts flooding his mind.  He had no idea how he was going to face Pick the next day.  Sure, they had already made up but Rome couldn't help but feel that Pick was secretly disgusted with him now that he realized the implications of Phun's words.   Rome felt a sinking feeling in his stomach as he suddenly regretted having friends.  It only made everything more complicated.  Especially when it came to Pick for some reason.  With that last thought in mind, Rome drifted off to sleep.  


    "Get in shorty" Pick said as he pulled up next to Rome's walking figure in the street.  Rome held back a sigh.  He was really hoping that Pick wouldn't pick him up today despite their conversation yesterday.  He wasn't ready to face him.  "What's with your expression shorty?  I thought we were good."

    "I have a name you know" Rome rolled his eyes as he got in.

    "Ah~ So that's what this is about.  Well, 'shorty' is your second name shorty" Pick smirked.

    "Said who?" Rome raised an eyebrow. 

    "Me of course.  I call them as I see them" Pick smiled. 

    "Well then I applaud you.  You're very clever with your nicknames.  I've definitely never been called 'shorty' before" Rome said sarcastically. 

    "Hey, it is clever because it's me saying it.  It's different when I say it rather than other people" Pick said almost proudly. 

    "And how so?" Rome couldn't help but laugh. 

    "You can't have an answer for everything.  Some things are just the way they are" Pick shrugged and Rome couldn't respond to that because in a way he was right.  When other people called Rome 'shorty' before, it was always in a malicious way.  It was just different when Pick said and Rome didn't really know why.  It just seemed like when Pick said it, he wasn't saying it to belittle him or make him feel bad about himself.  When Pick said it, it was almost endearing, almost. 

    "P'Pick?" Rome asked breaking the silence that had ensued the car.  Hearing Pick's hum of response, he continued "about you hear everything Phun said?"

    "Phun?  Is that that jerks name?  Yeah, of course I did.  That's why I punched him" Pick responded as he kept his eyes on the road. 

    "Well...uh what he said isn't true" Rome said quietly.

    "Well obviously.  Last time I checked, we aren't dating" Pick said. 

    "Not just about that um...well I'm not gay or anything."

    "Rome, whether you're gay or not, I couldn't care less.  You don't need to explain yourself to me."

    "What?  I wouldn't be disgusted?" Rome asked in surprise. 

    "Disgusted?  Are you kidding?  What era do you think we're in?  Why should I care about what gender someone loves?"  Pick responded. 

    " really wouldn't care if I was gay?  You'd still talk to me?"

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