Chapter 16

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    "Don't you dare walk away from me" Pick's voice caused Rome to stop in his tracks.  "Don't you dare push me away again."

    "I...I'm not pushing you away I just..."

    "Just what?  Suddenly don't want to be with me?  Because I don't believe that."

    Rome bit down on his trembling lip to stop himself from crying and took in a deep breath, "I'm just scared" Rome whispered. 

    "Then tell me what he did Rome.  I'm not going to let anything happen to you...or me" Pick added the last part when he felt like Rome was about to protest. 

    "It's j-just...he was so scary" Rome started shakily and with that, he told him everything.  Din's words, his harsh touch, all the emotions poured out of Rome like a waterfall and he was suddenly in tears again. 

    "I'm going to kill him."  

    "No P', don't...please" Rome begged as Pick brought him to his chest, arms wrapping tightly around him. 

    "You want me to just let him get away with it?  Not happening."  Pick was livid. 

    "We're not even close to home P''s not good if something happens out here.  Please just act like I didn't tell you least until we get back home."

    Pick took a deep breath to calm himself down, "fine.  Just until then.  But we're heading back now."

    "It's already dark.  We'll head back as soon as we wake up okay?"

     Pick sighed, he did have a point, "Fine.  But we wake up as soon as possible alright?"

    "Ohhh so now you want to wake up early" Rome teased.

    "You can really still joke around in a moment like this?" Pick laughed softly. 

    "Can't help it" Rome giggled as he played with the string of Pick's hoodie, "we should actually head back though before P'Din gets suspicious...I'm scared he'll do something in the middle of the night."

    "I won't let him do anything."

   Pick and Rome kept their distance as they walked back to the tent in case Din saw them.  They didn't want to set him off while they were in such a remote area.   "Well look who's back" Din grinned seeing them return, "trouble in paradise?"

    "Fuck off" Pick couldn't stop himself from replying as Rome gave him a subtle look. 

    "Looks like I hit the mark" Din laughed, "hey why are you switching the sleeping arrangements?  Don't you want to sleep next to me Rome?"  Din put on a face of disappointment as Pick moved Rome's sleeping bag so he'd be next to Din as opposed to Rome being in the middle. 

    Pick was about to talk back but Rome cut in, "I'm fine in the middle."

    "See?  Listen to the little one and put it back."

    "Don't call me that."  This time it was Rome who talked back.  He didn't want to hear those things coming out of Din's mouth, it disgusted him. 

    "Aw I was just messing with you shorty.  Looks like you're a bit sassy tonight."

    Only P'Pick can call me that.  Rome replied in his head.  He couldn't say it out loud.  It looked like it angered Pick even more, his blood boiled but seeing Rome's desperate eyes, he held back from saying anything.  "Good night" was the only thing Rome replied before the little light in the tent was turned off. 


    Pick woke up before anyone at 5am the next day.  He can't even remember the last time he saw this time of day but he was more than ready to leave.  "Rome, wake up" Pick called out softly as he gently shook his arm causing a small whine to escape said boy's lips, "come on, let's go home."

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