Chapter 15

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    It was dark now.  Pick and Rome were laying in the darkness of their tent; Din still had not come back. "P'..."


    "Do you...Do you think P'Din is going to come back?" Rome bit his lip tentavilty, not wanting to annoy Pick at the mention of his name.

    "Are you really that conerned about him?" Pick asked.  His voice was calm but Rome could sense a bit of jealousy.

    "I'm just concerned he went off and did something bad" Rome mumbled.

    "Hey...don't think like that.  You'll drive yourself crazy thinking so negatively."

    "I can't help it.  My mind always jumps to the worst possible scenario..." Rome sighed softly.

    Before Pick got a chance to reply, Din suddenly opened the entrance to their tent with a flashlight in hand.  "Geez, why is it so dark in here?"

    "P'Din you're back" Rome said in surprise.

    "Of course I am.  I'm not going to just ditch you and live in the woods" Din joked.

    "Of course you wouldn't" Pick couldn't help mumbling under his breath.

    Rome gave him a look before turning to Din, "have you thought about when you want to wake up tomorrow for pictures?"

    "I was thinking maybe 6."

    "6? In the morning?" Pick scoffed, "I don't think my brain even functions that early in the morning."

    "6 is fine" Rome rolled his eyes at Pick, "you don't have to come if you don't want to.  Sleep all you want."

    "Oi!  I was just saying" Pick crossed his arms.

    "Okay, 6 it is then" Din replied, "we should probably get to sleeping then."

    As Din turned off his flashlight, they were left in the darkness of the tent again.  Din coming back was a lot less awkward than Rome had thought it would be; Din was practically acting like nothing had happened.  The tension in the air was almost tangible though and it was driving Rome crazy.  He knew he forgave Pick and he was thankful that he was understanding, but he couldn't help but be a little mad at him still.  Rome did not have many friends.  This was the first year he even had any and he was trying so hard to put himself out there as a friendly person anyone could talk to.  Din happened to be one of the people he met.  Rome knew by now that Din liked him, but it wasn't like he felt the same way; he was still his friend.  Rome didn't want to hurt him or make him feel angry.  He couldn't lose a friend already.


    "Don't you want to wake up P'Pick?" Din raised an eyebrow as Rome had finished getting ready and walked out of the tent.

    "He said it was too early yesterday. Might as well let him sleep" Rome shrugged.

    "If you say so" Din nodded as they started walking down the path.

    "Do you already know what you want to take pictures of?"

    "No, I kind of just want to walk and see what inspires me."

    "Good plan, good plan."

    "P'Din?" Rome asked quietly.  It had been a couple hours since they started taking pictures and Rome couldn't stand the awkward feeling anymore, "are you mad at me?"

    "Huh? Why would I be mad at you?" Din laughed.

    " know yesterday" Rome trailed off.

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