Chapter 7

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    Did he really kiss me?  Was I hallucinating?  He couldn't have kissed me...right?   It had been a week and Rome still couldn't wrap his head around the events that unfolded that day.  It had come out of nowhere; Rome had no suspicion of Pick liking him.  I mean even if he did kiss you it doesn't mean he likes was probably just the heat of the moment...yeah, that's it.  Rome hadn't attended school this past week, he just couldn't face everyone.  His dad couldn't care less about his academics anyways so it wasn't like he would get in trouble.  In fact, he probably got in less trouble by staying in the house.  If he went to school, he would see Emma and Rome figured she hates him now.  Why did everything have to be so complicated?  Rome wanted so badly to talk to his best friend about what happened with Pick but he couldn't.  This is exactly why he shouldn't have became close with her.  He knew that even if he had friends, they would end up hating him some day.  Rome sighed as he laid his arm across his face, covering his eyes.  Rome kept his phone turned off just in case.  He didn't have any expectations of his friends contacting him but he also couldn't risk seeing if they did.  He didn't want to talk to anyone and having it on would only tempt him.  Rome was interrupted from his thoughts when he heard something hit his window.  At first he disregarded it, however, when the sound didn't stop, he moved his curtain aside to look out.  Rome's eyes immediately widened.  Okay, now I have to be hallucinating.  The tall boy who Rome wanted to see both the most and least was standing in front of his house.  How is Pick here?  I never told him where I live.  Pick was about to throw another rock when he noticed the small boy peering through his window causing him to pause.  Anxiety grew in Rome as Pick gestured for him to open the door for him.  Rome shook his head quickly; he would get in so much trouble.  Pick raised an eyebrow at him and made a movement to continue throwing rocks at his window.  Rome became more anxious.  If Pick didn't stop, his dad would definitely hear him.  Rome made a quick stopping motion with his hand and signaled that he was coming.  Rome made sure to put a finger to his lips to make sure Pick would stay quiet.  Pick's eyes widened in his surprise and he had to stop himself from shouting at him as Rome opened his window to step onto the ledge before making his way down the ladder at the side of his house.  Rome looked around anxiously before gesturing Pick over to him, "What the hell are you doing here?" Rome whispered. 

    "To see you, clearly" Pick responded, "where have you been?" 

    "How do you know where I live?" Rome asked instead of responding. 

    "I followed you home when I saw you buying cigarettes yesterday.  I didn't know you smoked."

    "I don't.  They were for my dad" Rome said before shaking his head in disbelief, "why did you follow me?  I clearly didn't want you to know where I live."  Pick was a bit shocked when he saw Rome's house for the first time.  It was very run down and didn't even seem to have a door, only the garage entrance.  There were broken windows and trash all around the neighborhood.  He didn't expect that Rome lived in such bad conditions and he realized it was probably the reason that Rome didn't want anyone to see it. 

    "I needed to find some way to talk to you.  What else could I do?  You haven't been at school all week and everyone's been calling you.  I'm guessing you shut off your phone."  

    Rome faltered a bit, he didn't think that anyone would actually try to get a hold of him, "So what?  You can't just come here" Rome ran a hand through his hair. 

    "Why not?"

    "Well it's not exactly a mansion" Rome laughed bitterly.

    "So?  You don't have to be embarrassed.  What I care about is you not what kind of house you live in" Pick said. 

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