Chapter 6

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    It was dark by the time everyone was done eating and looking over their pictures.  Rome and Pick were still sat out by the bench as the rest of the club members flooded out from the eating area.  "It's getting late; we'll be heading home" Porsche announced, holding Emma's hand. 

    "Alright, drive safe" Rome smiled as Emma hugged him.

    "Text me when you get home~" Emma said once she pulled away. 

    "Okay mom" Rome joked and waved her off. 

    "Hey Rome, do you need a ride?" Din asked once everyone else had left. 

    "No, he doesn't.  I'm his ride" Pick replied. 

    "Oh...okay then maybe next time" Din said, looking a bit disappointed. 

    "Thanks anyways P'..." Rome said softly; he felt a bit bad seeing the boy walk away like a kicked puppy.  Suddenly it was silent and it was just Rome and Pick again.  Rome knew it was late and he should really get home.  He already was going to be in big trouble with his dad.  The back of his head was telling him he should get home as soon as possible so he wouldn't be even more angry.  Neither of them seemed to want to leave though so he stayed staring straight ahead, a single street lamp being the only thing that illuminated the dark night.

    "What was your relationship with your mom like?" Pick bit his lip in regret once the words slipped from his mouth.  He had suddenly felt compelled to say something but he didn't intend to ask something so personal; it was none of his business.  It wasn't his place to bring it up.  "You don't have to answer" Pick said after a moment of silence had passed. 

    "'s okay" Rome smiled softly " was complicated really."

    "Why's that?" Pick asked once Rome seemed okay talking about it. 

    Rome took a breath in as he thought, debating on whether he should spill his heart out to him or not.   "Well...when I was really young, I know she cared for me.  I was closer to her than I was to my father at least.  But there was always something that made me feel like I was uncomfortable to be around for I got older I learned I was part of a bad memory for her..." Rome trailed off as he stayed staring out into the distance, Pick's gaze locked on his illuminated face.  "Anyways..." He couldn't get himself to explain further about what this bad memory was.  It was too hard for him to say so he decided to skip over it, "when I was around sixteen I...came out to my parents" Rome started as he glanced to his side to see how Pick would react but he didn't look surprised or thrown off at all.  Pick only continued to listen to him intently, Rome guessed he probably already knew he was gay after their conversation in the car the previous day.  "They didn't take it well" he continued and looked down at his hands placed in his lap.  "It broke her heart and she even blamed herself like being gay was some kind of birth defect...I almost resented her for making me feel like I was the cause of her pain, for making me feel like I needed to change in order to make her happy when I couldn't"  Rome let out a sigh as he looked up from his hands again to look up at the stars, "the thing that I hate the most is that...the day before she died she told me 'Rome, I'm sorry for the pain I've caused you.  I want you to know that I'm learning to accept you for who you are.  I'll talk to your dad for you, I'll get him to understand you'" Rome told himself that he wouldn't cry but he couldn't stop the tears spilling out once he had recalled the memory he buried so deep.  Two firm arms suddenly wrapped around him, pulling him close to his chest and Rome couldn't pretend to be strong anymore as he cried harder, "D-do you know how relieved I felt?  I felt like things were finally going to get better...I really thought I finally had a mom, someone to support me" Rome sniffled as Pick caressed his head "and then the next day she's dead.  Right when I thought everything would be okay."

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