Chapter 12

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A/N: Last time Wattpad was being weird so hopefully that doesn't happen again.  If when you read the last chapter it ended with "Why are you scared?", that's not how it was supposed to end so make sure to go back and read it.  Thank you :) 


    Rome laid on his bed the next morning with a hand over his beating heart.  He had been laying like this since Pick left, not getting even a minute of sleep.  Did that really just happen?  Did I really say yes?  Did I make the right decision?  Rome thought to himself anxiously, but he couldn't help the smile that would not leave his face as he thought about the kiss and his first failed attempt.  That was so embarrassing...  Rome's eyes widened hearing the familiar sound of his alarm.  Had he really been awake this entire time?  It felt like he'd only been staring up at the ceiling in thought for minutes.  Rome couldn't face Pick at school now; he was too nervous.  What were things even supposed to be like after two people get together?  Rome certainly didn't know.  All he knew was that he would try to avoid Pick as much as possible.  That makes sense right?  Shouldn't there be a day or two in between seeing each other after it becomes official?  Rome knew he was probably making things up at this point but he pretended like it made perfect sense to make himself feel better.  After taking a shower and changing into his uniform, Rome quickly made breakfast to have prepared for his dad whenever he woke up and walked out the door.  Shit...he always drives me...he'll be waiting.  Rome groaned and decided maybe if he ran, Pick would miss him.  He did happen to be a decently fast runner despite his small size.  Pick raised an eyebrow seeing a familiar small figure zoom past him and honked his car horn in amusement causing Rome to freeze and look back at him.  Rome gulped and waved bashfully before trying to run off again but despite him being fast, he wasn't faster than a car.  "Where do you think you're going shorty?" Pick laughed as he pulled up next to him. 

    "School, clearly" Rome said without making eye contact with him. 

    "And is there a reason why you're running instead of coming with your boyfriend?" Rome wished he could wipe the smirk off Pick's face, he was clearly having too much fun with this. 

     "What boyfriend?  I don't see a boyfriend" Rome mumbled.

    "Maybe that's because you're too busy blushing rather than looking at me" Pick teased.

    "I'm not blushing!" 

    "Okay little one whatever you say" Pick smiled, "get in."

    "Little one?" Rome questioned as he reluctantly got in the car. 

    "Mmhm" Pick hummed as he leaned over to buckle Rome's seatbelt.

    "Can't you just call me Rome for once?" Rome rolled his eyes as he tried not to focus on Pick's close proximity. 

    "No can do" Pick grinned as he pulled away, "don't act like you don't like it."

    "I don't have to act" Rome scoffed. 

    "I think you do.  I am positive you secretly like it."

    "Well keep dreaming" Rome mumbled.

    "Your smile contradicts yourself, you know?"

    "Smiling?  Who's smiling?" Rome crossed his arms as he turned to look out the window to hide his face.  

    "I can see your reflection" Pick laughed before turning his eyes back to the road. 

    "Must be seeing things then."

    "Right" Pick said sarcastically as he pulled up to their school.

     "Well...I'll uh...see you around I guess" Rome said awkwardly once they got out of the car and turned around to make his way to his class. 

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