Chapter 19

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    Rome shivered in the cold winter air. He had nothing but a thin shirt and shorts on as he hugged his bare arms. Rome didn't know what compelled him to do so, but he was standing in front of Pick's house. His heart was beating hard in his chest as the adrenaline rushed through his body from sneaking out of his bedroom window. He knew he shouldn't be doing this in his situation. His father hadn't let him leave the house for four days and he took Rome's phone away too so he had no way of contacting Pick. It was slowly driving him crazy. Rome had no idea how he even remembered how to get to Pick's house. It felt like it had been forever since the first time he went and he was never really good with directions in the first place. But before he knew it, he was in front of his door lifting a shaky hand to knock. Rome bit at his lip nervously, there only seemed to be a dim light on in the house and he had no idea what the time was. He just hoped that Pick didn't already go to sleep. Rome sighed shakily and was about to make his way back when the door still hadn't opened after a few minutes. It's probably late, I shouldn't be here. As soon as he turned away, however, Pick opened the door groggily as he rubbed at his eyes before they widened in shock, "Shorty?" Pick observed the small figure who turned back to face him. Rome was shivering like a small dog and there were bruise marks all over his body, a fresh cut seemed to be forming under his eye and the sight immediately awakened Pick's anger.

    "U-uh hi..." Rome replied softly as he rubbed at his arms, "sorry for coming so late I just..."

    "Come inside" Pick cut him off and gently guided him in when Rome stood there frozen for a bit. "Let me go get you a change of clothes" Pick said as he closed the door, "do you want to take a warm shower or are you okay?"

    "That would be nice..." Rome nodded as he let out a breath he didn't realize he'd been holding. Pick was always like this. He never bombarded him with questions right away, instead he always made it his first priority to take care of Rome. Rome never would have guessed Pick was the type when he first met him what with his bad boy attitude and all, but with Rome it was different. Pick always treated him like he was precious.

    "There you go, you're all set. I made sure it was nice and warm for y- hey..." Pick said softly when he was cut off by Rome's hug, "are you okay baby?"

    "I-I'm okay...I just really missed you" Rome whispered against his chest.

    "I missed you too" Pick rubbed his back gently as if he put too much pressure the fragile boy would break at any minute, "go and warm up okay? You're freezing. I'll be right here when you're done." Rome responded with a small nod and reluctantly let go as he went to take a shower. "That feels better right? You look nice and cozy" Pick smiled softly when the small boy walked out of the bathroom with Pick's clothes that were much to big on him. "Are you a child? You need to dry your hair better than that" Pick scolded softly as he took the towel wrapped around Rome's neck to gently dry his hair.

    "How do you know it wasn't just my method to make you do it for me?"

    "You're ridiculous" Pick laughed softly.

    "Ridiculously adorable?"

    "Hey, you're not supposed to read my mind" Pick smiled hearing Rome's giggle that followed.

    "Ah P' I saw another car outside that I didn't recognize...did you get a new one?" Rome asked curiously when he recalled seeing a red car in his driveway.

    "Oh no, that's not mine" Pick shook his head, "my parents are actually visiting me for a couple days. You probably saw their car."

    "Y-your parents?" Rome asked with wide eyes, "so they're right now?" Rome bit at his lip anxiously.

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