Chapter 9

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    It was silent in the car as Pick drove Rome home the next day.  Pick didn't know how to start and he certainly did not want to scare Rome off or anger him at the mention of yesterday's events.  He knew he needed to talk to him though; he couldn't just let it go when it involved Rome getting hurt.  "I know you want to say something" Rome muttered when they were half way to his house. 

    "How'd you know?"

    "I can just tell.  You're energy gives it away."

    "Are you some guru now or something?" Pick laughed. 

    "Well am I wrong?" Rome asked, not really in the mood to joke around.

    Pick sighed, "you're right.  I do want to say something."

    "Well please don't."

    "Then when can I?"

    "Never" Rome said flatly. 

    "Rome...we have to talk about it eventually.   You're hurt."

    "So?  I'm fine" Rome said shakily, "it's not like you've even seen anything.  You only heard it from Emma and she probably exaggerated.  It's really not a big deal."

    "I highly doubt that."

    "Well I don't care!  I said I'm fine so I'm fine!" Rome snapped.

    Pick pulled to the side to stop the car so he could look at him.  Pick didn't say anything for a while, watching Rome's eyes flicker down to avoid his gaze.  "Does your dad hurt you?" 

   "W-What?" Rome's eyes immediately darted back up "where the hell did you get that idea?"  The anger in his voice contradicted the fear in his eyes and Pick knew.  It all made sense.  Why Rome was so jumpy, why Rome didn't want him at his house, why Rome didn't offer to hang out much, why Rome seemed so scared hearing his dad call his name that day.  It was right in front of Pick's face and he didn't even realize it.  He felt like such an idiot.

   "How long?" Pick asked hesitantly.

   "What the fuck do you mean 'how long'?  I never said it was true.  It's not true!  He's not like that!" Rome held his head in his hands. 


   "Can you just drive already?  If not I'm getting out" Rome said as he made a move to get out but was stopped by Pick's hand over his.

   "I'll drive, I'll drive" Pick said softly.  Pick didn't speak again until they were at the street he usually dropped Rome off, " you treat your wounds?"   

   "I thought we were done" Rome groaned.

   "Last question for the day.  I promise..." 

   "I try to" Rome responded quietly. 

   "Can...can you let me clean them for you if you need it?"

   "I don't know about that P'."


   "I won't get hurt again" Rome lied and he could tell Pick knew. 


   "Did you talk to Rome?" Porsche asked from his place on Pick's bed.  It had been two days since Pick dropped him off and he hadn't heard a thing from Rome.   "Are you ever going to stop pacing?"

   "What?  Oh...I can't help it" Pick groaned before coming to a stop to look at him, "yeah, I did."

    "I'm guessing it didn't go well?"

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