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Photo of Kenzie Scott.

I hate Wednesdays. They're like everyone else's Monday to me. Wednesdays suck. It's the day I wake up at moms but go to sleep at dads or vice versa. They couldn't be normal parents at let me do a normal week at ones. I swear they love making me and my younger brother, Logan, suffer.

I'm sulking as I walk to my locker next when someone bumps into me. "Asshole." I mutter to myself but keep walking. "Kenzie! Hey! Wait up!" Logan yells through the halls making people glare at him. "What Logan?" I snap when he reaches me.

"Can you take me to dads after school?" He pants catching his breath. For a football player he sure is out of shape. "Isn't Hebert taking you?" I ask throwing my locker door open.

"It's Hayden." Logan rolls his eyes at me. I know his best friends name but I get great pleasure out of annoying him. "Whatever." I mutter grabbing my books and stuffing them into my bag, not so gently. "Anyway, Hayden has a date and you know I'm not a cock block." He smirks.

"Fine." I sigh in agreement, slamming my locker shut and stomping off to first period. "Love you!" Logan calls after me. I raise my hand and flip him off when I crash into another fucking person.

"For fucks sake! Watch where you're going!" I snap at a little freshmen who quickly scampers away. "Damn. You're scary Kenzie." My best friend, June, chuckles as she comes up to me.

"Fuck off she is." The star quarterback, Brad, snorts as he falls in step with us. "Fuck off Brad." I snap elbowing him in his stomach. "What's wrong with her?" He asks June throwing his arm around my shoulders. "It's Wednesday dip shit." She answers for me rolling her eyes.

"Oops. Sorry Kenz. I'll make it up to you. I promise."

"Will you buy my lunch?" I ask pouting a little. "Fine. And I'll even sit with you." He agrees smacking my ass as we walk into our classroom.

"Mr Roberts! We don't condone sexual harassment at this school!" Our ancient history teacher, Mrs Holmes, yells at Brad. "I wasn't sexually harassing anyone!" He exclaims putting his hands up in surrender. "I seen you slap Miss Scott's behind." She snaps.

"She's my girlfriend. She likes it." Brad counters cockily. I roll my eyes at him and move to take my seat in the back of the room. "Oh please like Kenzie would lower her standards and date a pig like you." June snorts moving to the desk in front of me.

"Ouch. That hurt." Brad says dramatically grabbing his 'heart' being the idiot he is grabs the wrong side.

"No but for real Mrs Holmes she's my friend, just giving her a pep talk." Brad tells the teacher moving to sit in the middle of the room with his football buddies.

"Is this true Miss Scott?" She asks directing her attention to me. "Yes." I mutter leaning my head on the desk wanting this conversation to be over already.

"Remind me why we're friends with him again?" I groan lifting my head to look at June. "Because he pushed over Bill in kindergarten when he pulled your pigtails."

"Dumb reason." I sigh. I don't pay as Mrs Holmes begins her lesson. When the bell finally rings I bolt out of my seat and head to my next class.

By the time lunch comes my mood is as bad as ever. All my teachers suck and the students aren't much better. I only have June and Brad in history so I usually sit by myself. As I make my way to the cafeteria I stop by my locker only to see someone trying to break into it!

"What the fuck are you doing?" I yell stomping right up to them. The culprit turns slowly and glares at me. I take a step back when I see who it is.

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