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The moment Clay pulls up at Hayden's I run straight inside the house. "Logan?" I yell. "Kenzie." He says quietly running into my arms. "What happened? Are you okay?" I ask frantically holding him close.

Logan doesn't answer. He just cries onto my shoulder. "What happened?" I spit out when Hayden appears. "Your mom." He mouths. "What the fuck did she do?" I ask pulling Logan away by his shoulders. "S-She." He stutters out before crying harder.

"Come into the living room dear." Mrs Michaels whispers. I lead Logan to the sofa and sit down next to him. "What happened?" I ask again but a lot more nice as I rub his back. "She r-rang and started y-yelling and s-she." Is all he can stutter out before crying again.

I look at Hayden giving him a look to tell me what my bitch of a mother said. He gestures to the kitchen. "Stay with him." I order Clay before stomping to the kitchen.

"She wouldn't stop ringing and he finally answered then she said you both had to go to Patrick's. When he said no she started yelling and said you both were disappointments and wish she never had you. Then threatened him with Patrick."

"That fucking bitch!" I yell. I stomp back to the living room and demand Logan gives me his phone. He hands it over no questions asked. I go back to the kitchen and ring the police department.

I quickly get put through to my dad and tell him what happened. "Fucking hell. I can't leave for another hour." He mumbles. "Just go to my place. I'll sort your mother. Don't you ring her." He orders before hanging up.

"Come on we're going to dads." I say gently holding my hand out. "We've just got to drop Clay off first okay?" I say as he slips in hand in mine. "Can he come?" Logan sniffles. I glance at Clay who gives me a small nod. "Yeah he can come." I whisper.

At dads Logan goes straight to his room. "Are you okay?" Clay asks me as we sit together on the sofa. "I want to kill that bitch." I say through my teeth.

A hour later dad flies through the door still in his work uniform. "Kenzie." I jump up and wrap my arms around my dad for the first time in months. He freezes for a second before wrapping his arms around me.

"I don't want to go back." I whisper as tears build in my eyes. "I'll sort this." Dad soothes. "Why is Clay sitting on my sofa?" Dad whispers. "Logan wanted him here." I state pulling back. "Right." Dad nods before going to check on Logan.

I go back to the sofa and sit next to Clay. "Well. Today's been interesting." I laugh. "Are you laughing?" He looking at me like I'm crazy. "Yes." I continue laughing. "Think about it." I choke out through my laughs.

It doesn't take long for my laughter to turn into full blown sobs. God I've cried so much the past two days. I need to stop.

"Why would she say that?" I sob as Clay wraps his arms around me. "I don't know." He mumbles kissing the top of my head. I don't know how long I cried for or when I fell asleep but when I wake up I'm curled up with my head on Clays lap with his hand running through my hair.

"Hey." I mumble sitting up. "Where's Dad?" My voice coming out husky. "Shower." He mumbles. "Thanks for staying." I whisper. "You can go if you want." I add when he doesn't say anything.

"I'll wait for your dad." He mutters. "Right." I state looking forward. We sit in silence until dad comes back in. "You kids hungry?" Dad sighs sitting on the chair. "I should get going." Clay says standing up as I shake my head. "Are you good to take him Kenz? I should stay here with Logan." Dad asks. "Yeah." I mumble.

On the drive to Clays neither of speak to each other until we pull up. And only then it was a mumbled 'thanks' from him. When I get back to dads dad is sleeping on the sofa so I go get into bed with Logan.

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