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Photo of June Sinclair.

"Ladies and gentlmennnnnn! Hey! Shut up!" Tony yells pointing at some random talking guy who instantly shuts up. "Alright. First up tonight is The Zombieeeeee!" The crowd instantly erupted into cheers.

"Woo! Go Zombie!" June yells cupping her hands around her mouth. "And his opponent...The Phoenix!"

"You suck!" June yells along with the booing crowd. A giant man walks past us but stops when he hears June yelling. He looks at her in shock before shaking his head slightly and continues his way to Tony.

Clay has fallen into a fit of laughter. "What's so funny?" I ask nudging his shoulder with mine. "His face." Clay chuckles nodding at Phoenix. "He's an arrogant son of a bitch. But he'll win if she doesn't distract him too much."

"I don't like him." June sasses over her shoulder. "Hey Phoenix! Fuck you!" She yells flipping him off. "Ooh what's the hate for Phil?" Tony laughs as he joins us again. "His names Phil?" June laughs. Before Tony can answer the fight starts and all his attention is on it.

Zombie starts by throwing a punch right to Phoenixs nose. Blood starts gushing out but he doesn't seem to take notice. Phoenix responds by throwing a kick right to Zombies ribs. They go back and forth exchanging kicks and punches.

Just when it looks like Zombie is about to tap out from an arm bar the sound of sirens fills the air. "Cops!" Someone shouts. "Run!" Tony yells to us before running off himself. "Let's go!" Clay yells grabbing my hand and running towards all the parked cars. "Brad!" I yell looking behind me for him. "Just go! I've got June!" I hear his voice yell from behind me.

Clay and I run as fast as we can until we reach a black SUV. "Get in." Clay demands ripping open the driver's door. I go to run around to the passenger's side but he pushes me in. "Climb over." I quickly scramble over to the passenger's side as Clay starts the engine and peels out of the field onto the dirt road.

"Holy shit." Breathe out once I can no longer see where we came from. "How often do the cops come?" I ask looking over to Clay who's jaw is clenched and keeps glancing in the rear view mirror. "Never." He grunts. "There's one following us." He says narrowing his eyes in the mirror. "Don't turn around." Clay groans when I go too have a look.

"Whatever." I mumble and pull my phone out and ring June. "Kenzie! Did you get out? Brad drove like a mad man and we're half way back." She rambles. "Thank god." I answer. "Are you out?" She asks frantically.

"Yeah. But apparently a cop is following us."

"What? Holy shit. Okay. Well between Brad and I we can bail you out just rin-" she's cut off by the sound of sirens behind us. "We're getting pulled over. I'll text you soon." I say before ending the call.

"Let me do the talking." Clay tells me before he winds down his window. "Where have you two been?" The middle aged police officer, with a stupid moustache, barks out the second he's at the window. "Just out for a drive." Clay answers casually. "Where did you go?" The officer asks leaning down to look at me, practically blinding me with his flash light. Before Clay says anything he threads his fingers though mine gently. "I don't want her to get into trouble." Clay mumbles to the officer.

"Spit it out." The officer grunts looking more and more frustrated. Clay lets my hand go and leans closer to the window before whispering to the cop. "We were just at the lookout." I choke on my spit at what he's implying. "Well you two are lucky I didn't catch you out there. Go home. No pit stops!" He calls as he walks off muttering under his breath.

"Did you really have to tell him that?" I groan throwing my head back. "It worked didn't it?" Clay chuckles. "Can you drop me off at Junes please?" I ask pulling my phone out to text her. Less than five seconds after I hit send she rings me.

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