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I'm woken up by an alarm blearing and Clay spooning me. "Turn that shit off." I grumble pulling the blanket up over my head. Clays warm body disappears from behind me and the noise stops so I snuggle back into the pillow ready to go back to sleep.

Just as I'm about to fall asleep the blankets are ripped off me exposing me to the cold. "What'd you do that for?" I groan trying to grab them back. "We have school." Clay says jumping back on the bed. "I don't want to go." I whine like a child. "And stay to snoop in my room all day? No thanks." He chuckles. "I really hate you." I grumble getting out of bed.

"That's not what you were saying on Thursday. I believe your words were 'oh god. Oh Clay. Don't stop!'" Clay smirks as he does a terrible impression of me during sex. "Shut up." I grumble trying to hide my blush. "Want a shower?" He asks waggling his eyebrows at me.

"Is anyone here?" I question pulling the top I'm wearing off. Clays smirk drops off his face as I pull down the sweatpants. "No." He swallows. "Well come on then." I say over my shoulder as I head towards the bathroom. Seconds after I've entered the bathroom Clay enters in just his boxers.


"I can't believe your mom washed my underwear." I groan as Clay drives my car to dads. Although embarrassing I am glad I have clean underwear to wear. I made sure to bring my dirty clothes with me this time. "She gave me a sex talk when she brought them to my room." Clay shudders.

"I'll just be a minute." I tell Clay when he pulls into dads drive way. "You better." He smirks. I tried bribing him with a day full of sex to get out of school but he wasn't having a bar of it.

I quickly dump my dirty clothes and grab my bag before running back to the car. "You have a hickey!" I gasp when Clay turns his head to back out. "You literally done it 20 minutes how did you forget so quickly?" He chuckles. "I didn't know I did!" I exclaim looking at the large purple mark I left.

At school Logan is hanging at my locker with Hayden. "Hey Logan, hey Harry." I smile. "You're in a good mood." Logan smirks raising an eyebrow. "Because I didn't have to see our birth giver. Wait. Why are you in such a good mood?" I ask realising he has a giant smile on his face.

"Did dad not ring you this morning?" His eyes flicking to Clay who was opening his locker. "My phones dead." I explain. "Oh well he got some judge he knows to give him temporary full custody." He smiles. "Are you fucking serious?" I squeal throwing my arms around him. After a quick catch up he leaves with Hayden.

"There you are." June says in a pissed of tone. "Yeah?" I ask eyeing her. Her arms are crossed and she looks like she's trying to be pissed off. Brad is standing behind her in the same stance. "Do you know worried we were last night?" She asks throwing her arms around me. "Logan said you must've been starving." Brad adds.

"Huh?" I ask confused. Junes spins and punches Brad in the shoulder. "Shut up! I told you we would talk about it later." She whispers loudly. "They're talking about you trying to eat me." Clay whispers with a wink before he leaves.

"Now that he's gone you've got to tell me everything!" June squeals. "How come you two can talk about your sex lives but I'm not allowed too?" Brad whines as we walk into history. "Because you're stories are disgusting." I tell him as he sits next to June.

"Why are you sitting with us?" I question. "Because I want to hear all the deats about your sex life." He says in a 'duh' tone. "Okay so tell me everything. No details left out." June squeals. "Where'd you do it?" She asks leaning forward. "What time?" I smirk. "You've done it more than once?" Brad gasps leaning forward too.

"What are you three talking about?" A voice says loudly. "Sex." Brad answers automatically before realising it was Mrs Holmes who asked. "You three can have detention after school." Her face turning beet red. "Thanks asshole." June mutters.

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