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I'm woken up not long after I fell asleep by someone not so quietly walking through the living room into the kitchen. I internally groan and try fall back asleep, but just as I'm about to fall back to sleep the light turns on.

I sit up, rubbing my eyes and see a tired looking Clay standing in the door way looking at me with a look of shock and happiness, which he quickly disguises with a scowl. "I thought you left." He spits out. "Your mom stopped me." I whisper. "Whatever." He mutters turning the light off and going back to his room.

I take a few deep breathes to try get some courage before following him. "What?" He snaps when I walk in. "I'm sorry." I whisper looking around his room. He's broken all the drawers from his dresser and has a bunch of other shit thrown around.

"Whatever. Just go back to the sofa Kenzie." He says, his voice full of venom. "I was jealous." I whisper looking at my feet. "What?" He asks in surprise. "I was jealous of that girl." I repeat. "Of Sheila?" He asks making me scoff. "You know what. Don't worry." I say turning around. "Kenzie." Clays voice says from right behind me making me stop.

"Why were you jealous?" I feel his breath on the back of my neck as he speaks. "I like you." I whisper. "You like me?" He whispers. "Obviously." I snort. How does he not know? Clay slowly spins me around to face him. "You like me?" He repeats his face unreadable. "I just said I did." I snap. I hate repeating myself. Suddenly Clay slams his lips against mine kissing me hungrily.

His hands grip my hips and lifts me up. I wrap my legs around his waist as he pushes me against the door. We kiss each other roughly until we're out of breath. Clay rests his forehead against mine, both of us panting. "I like you too." He whispers. "Who was she?" I ask before I can stop myself. Clay sighs releasing his grip on me.

"She's someone I used to see I guess." He sighs moving to sit on the bed. "Oh." I whisper not moving. "Did you sleep with her?" I ask looking at my socks. "Kenzie." He sighs again, giving me the answer I really didn't want. "Was it a lot?" I ask looking up at him. He looks like he's wants to tell me but at the same time he doesn't, so I move slowly and sit next to him.

"Just tell me." I say grabbing his hand and threading our fingers together. "Every Friday for two months." He mumbles. "When was the last time?" I ask, my heart pounding in my chest, scared of hearing the answer. "October." Oh thank god. "So you like me." I tease bumping my shoulder against his and also steering the conversation away from the whore Sheila. "You like me." Clay smirks bumping my shoulder back.

"I do, even if you turn into The Hulk when you're angry." I tell him looking around at the messy room. "Yeah I probably shouldn't have done that." He says self-consciously looking at the broken pieces. "We should probably go to sleep." I tell him. When I stand up Clays hand wraps around my wrist and pulls me back to the bed. "Don't go back out there." He whispers.

"I wasn't. I was just going to get some clothes." I giggle pecking his lips. Before I can stand up again Clay pushes me down on the bed and kisses me possessively. I kiss him back with the same force tugging his hair gently. Clays hands move under my shirt and unhooks bra and instantly moves both hands to my tits.

I moan into his mouth and move my hands underneath his t shirt tracing the hair from his belly button down to the waist band of his sweatpants. With a moan Clay pulls away and rips his shirt off before tugging mine off and attaching his mouth to my nipple. I moan arching my back and wrapping my legs around his waist, pushing his erection into my stomach.

"Hey Clay who's on th-oh fuck!" Jens voice says before I hear the bedroom door slam. Clay groans as lays his head on my chest. "Fucking hell." He mutters before rolling off me. "I'm buying a lock for that fucking door." He says pulling the covers over us pouting. I laugh at him before shimming out of my jeans and dropping them to the floor and rolling over to snuggle the boy who just confessed he likes me with a massive smile on my face.

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