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Walking up to Clay I feel my heart pounding in my chest. I stop a few feet from the bench he's sitting on to compose myself, aka to get my heart to slow down so it doesn't feel like it's going to jump out of my chest. When did I get nervous around people? Let alone a guy? I scold myself for a minute before making my way to the bench.

"Hey." I say taking a deep breath as I sit next Clay. "I'm sorry about what I said on Saturday. I meant I don't want the cops to keep showing up and you being stranded." Clay explains not bothering with a hello. "Oh." I say picking at my nails. "Are you coming tonight?" Clay asks leaning back. "No." I sigh. "How come?" He asks turning to face me for the second time today. "Brad didn't hear from Wyatt." I shrug.

"Wyatt isn't allowed there anymore." Clay states his eyebrows furrowing together. "What? Why?" I ask turning my body towards his. "For punching Brad. You didn't know?" He asks leaning one arm across the back of the seat. I shake my head. "Do you know any of the rules?" Clay asks locking his eyes with mine. I shake my head again.

"Shit." He sighs scrubbing his face with his hand. "What are they?" I ask. "No narking, no fights outside of the actual fights, pay on the day, no sexual harassment, no fixing fights and don't piss off Tony." Clay lists. "Your uncle Tony?" I question lifting one of my legs over the other. "Yeah. He kinda runs the whole thing." He shrugs.

"What happens if you break the rules?"

"Depends on what you did. Usually you're just banned other times Tony will have them beaten up."

"Did Wyatt get beaten up?" I find myself asking, slightly hopeful he did. "Nah. Tony threatened it but after talking to Brad said it was cool." Clay answers stretching his legs out. "I have two more questions." I state realizing I've asked a shit load of questions and he's probably going to get annoyed at me soon. "One, who's fighting tonight? Two, can I come?" I ask with a sheepish smile on my face.

"Phoenix and Zombie. I guess."

"Where is it? What time?" I squeal. "I can pick you up at 9." He offers rolling his eyes at my excitement. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" I exclaim throwing my arms around him automatically. I quickly pull away once I realise what I've done. "What's your number?" He asks ignoring the fact I just hugged him.

I quickly mumble off my number as he types it into his phone. "I'll text you later for your address." Clay says standing up. "See ya later Kenzie." He says before walking off. As soon as he's out of sight I jump and squeal again before running back to my car.

"You look happy." Logan smirks when I practically skip into the living room where dad and him are watching tv. "I am." I smile plopping onto the armchair. "Got a hot date?" Dad asks smirking at me. "Something like that." I smile, the smirk disappears off dads face making Logan and I both laugh at him.

"Who with? Where are you going? What time will you be home?" Dad questions looking the most serious I've seen him since he told us about the divorce. "Relax. It's not a date. I'm just hanging with someone from school." I tell my dad. "I won't be home until late. Don't wait up." I wink. "You kids are going to be the death of me." Dad sighs before leaning back in his seat. "What's for dinner? I'm starving." I groan.

At 7pm my phone buzzes and rush to grab it. "Ooh la la." Logan mocks.

Unknown Number: Where should I pick you up from?

Unknown Number: By the way its Clay.

K: Hey! My dad's address is 223 Smith Street

C: Ok. Can you do 8 instead? Got to help Tony with some stuff

K: Sounds good, see you then J

"I'm going to shower." I announce spirting off. I shower and get ready in record time. I chose to wear the same sweater that Clay got his blood all over. "Who's picking you up?" Dad sighs when I make my way back into the living room. "Someone from school." I shrug. "What's his name?" He sighs again. "How do you know it's a guy?" I question raising my eyebrows. "Dads know these things." I sigh in defeat. "Clay."

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