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The next morning I'm woken up by my dad shaking my shoulder. "Huh?" I mumble trying to pry my eyes open. "Time for school." He smiles sitting down on my bed next to me. "What's going on?" I ask dread suddenly over coming me. "Can you do me a favour please?" He whispers. "What is it?" I question sitting up and crossing my legs. "Find out what Logan wants for Christmas." He sighs dramatically. I feel my shoulders relax and reassure my dad I'll find out for him.

At school I meet with June at my locker who is in full plan mode for the dance this Friday. "I can't believe you're making me go." I groan swapping my books. "Get over it. One dance isn't going to kill you." She rolls her eyes. "What if it does?" I gasp dramatically. "Just think of it as a warm up for prom." She laughs pushing herself off Clays locker as he walks up.

"Are you coming to the dance too?" June asks him as he sends me a wink. "The what?" His face scrunches up and looks down at her. "The Christmas dance this Friday you dimwit." She sighs hitting her head onto the locker next to his. He simply rolls his eyes at her before placing a kiss on my cheek and heading over to his first class. "Is he coming?" June asks as I frown at the space Clay just was.

"Probably not." I sigh and slam my locker closed. "Come on, let's go find Brad so we can update him on dress shopping." I add with a fake smile. June scans my face a few seconds before nodding and linking arms with me and walking us towards history class.

All during history Brad excitedly asks questions about dress shopping and how excited he is to see Dee. By lunch time he's excitement has dialled down a bit but when Dee joins our table it picks back up. "Who's your date June?" Dee asks as Clay slides in next to me. "Who needs a date to the dance? I've always gone solo." She sasses picking at her food.

"Really?" Dee gasps. "Yup." She nods earning her a weird look from both Brad and I. "You've never gone to a school dance. Either of you actually." Brad says shaking his head. "You haven't?" Clay asks surprised. "Why would we?" I say rolling my eyes. "Not even junior prom?" Dee adds. "Nope." June and I say at the same time. We look at each other then burst out laughing.

"I even went to junior prom!" Dee exclaims. "And you're best friends with the quarter back!" She continues pointing at Brad. "Well for every school dance we would get him ready then go out on our own little dates." June winks. "Oh." Dee says turning bright red. "With each other." I clarify when I feel Clay stiffen next to me.

"Remember prom last year?" June giggles and Brad groans. "What happened?" Dee asks excitedly. "We went to the movies but it was boring so we stole Kenzies moms vodka went to the park and got really drunk then we went on a little adventure." June says trying to stop herself laughing. "Then what happened?" Dee asks leaning forward. "Well I kinda vomited going down the slide which made Kenzie vomit." She laughs hitting her fist on the table.

"That was disgusting." I shudder at the memories of June covered into vomit and the smell of mine. The rest of lunch June and I talk about what we do on our dates.

Clay and I walk to chemistry in silence. "You okay?" He mutters as we slide into our normal seats. "Yeah." I nod giving him a fake smile. "What's wrong?" He asks turning in his stool to face me. "I'm fine." I state not looking at him. "You wanna ditch?" He whispers in my ear. "I'm good." I shrug doodling on my notebook cover.

"Seriously Kenzie. What's the matter?"

"You haven't asked me to the dance." I whisper pulling my hair over my face to hide my blush. I hear him chuckle quietly as Phil walks into the room making me glare at him. "I just assumed since June was making you go we were going together." He smirks threading his hand through mine. "But would you like to go to the dance with me?" He whispers. "I'll think about." I shrug with a smirk.

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