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Photo of Jack Scott.

On Wednesday morning I wake up early and sneak into Logan's room. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" I yell jumping up and down on his bed.

"Thanks." Logan mumbles rolling onto his back. "I can't believe my baby brother is 16." I fake sniffle and drop down next to him. "Do you want your present now or at dads?" I smile poking him in the face when he closes his eyes.

"Now." Logan smiles sitting up quickly. I knew that would get him up. I run back to my room and grab the bag of his presents. "Here you go." I say throwing the bag into his hands and hold my phone up to record his reaction.

Logan smiles at the Xbox voucher thing and mini alcohol bottles and thanks me. "Open the last one." I giggle. "What the fuck Kenzie?" Logan half yells half laughs as he pulls out the box of condoms, turning bright red.

"There's more." I giggle. Logan digs in the bag his face turns even brighter when he pulls out the bottle of flavoured lube. "Happy birthday Logi Bear!" I sing before running out of the room.

I save the video and send it in the group text to Brad and June before sending it to my dad too. I'm still laughing to myself as I head to the kitchen where mom is.

"Morning kids." She says downing the her coffee. "Be good. See you next week." Mom waves as she leaves the house. "Did she forget?" I ask a sad looking Logan who's sitting at the table with a bowl of cereal. "She didn't say anything." He shrugs. "Well she's a bitch." I say slamming my cereal onto the table. "It's cool. I'm going to go change." He mumbles before leaving. As soon as he's out of the room I ring our father.

"Hello?" His sleepy voice comes through the phone. "Hey dad." I say through my mouthful of cereal. "Kenzie? Is everything okay?" He now sounds panicked. He knows we would never ring him when mom is around unless something is wrong. "Moms left for work and forgot it was fucking Logans birthday." I slam my spoon on the table suddenly not hungry. The rage I'm feeling against my mother has taken it away.

"For fucks sake." He mumbles before clearing his throat. "Alright. I'll ring him now. Can you come home straight after school? Make him go out with Hayden or something." Dad says. "Why? What are we doing?" I ask dumping my cereal out. "We need to go shopping." Before I can answer Logan walks back in fully dressed and ready to go. "Sounds good June Bug. I'll see ya in a few." I say grabbing my bag. "God, now I'm June Bug." Dad chuckles before hanging up.

"You ready to go punk?" I ask reaching up to ruffle his hair. "Yeah, yeah." Logan laughs half-heartedly pushing me off him. In the car ride to school dad rings Logan and they talk the whole way there. He laughs a lot too which leaves a smile on my face.

"Why are you smiling like that?" Logan asks giving me the side eye as we walk into the building. "Because I'm just sooo happy my baby brother is happy." I laugh pinching his cheeks. "Get off me." He groans through his laughs. "Logi Bear!" June squeals running up to us and throwing herself into his arms.

"Happy birthday my little boy." She says squeezing him tightly. "My turn." Brad appears pulling June off then throwing his arms around Logan. "He's not a little boy any more by the way. He's a man now." Brad laughs punching his shoulder. "Enjoy the condoms!" Brad calls when Hayden appears pulling Logan away from us.

"What'd your mom say about the condoms?" June laughs as we walk up to my locker. "Nothing. She forgot it was his birthday!" I exclaim throwing my locker open. "You're kidding right?" Brad spits out while June goes on a big rant about what an asshole my mother is. "Dead serious. Dad said we have to go shopping after school, knowing him he has some crazy plan to make it up to him." I tell my friends. "He's coming act cool. Act cool." June says leaning against Clays locker with one leg up and crossed arms.

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