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Photo of Brad Roberts.

At lunch time I walk straight to the table I hate the most in the school. The one full of football players and cheerleaders. I tap Brad on the shoulder making body tense up. He slowly turns around. "Oh thank god it's you." He says relaxing his shoulders once he see it's me.

"Can we talk?" I ask gesturing to the table where June is sitting eating a sandwich. "Sure." Brad answers immediately getting up. "What's up?" He asks once we sit down.

"Dad said Logan could have a party next Saturday for his birthday." I begin. "No shit?" June gasps. "But I apparently have to supervise." I continue. "Sucks for you." Brad laughs. "You're helping." I demand.

"What? Why?" Brad scoffs. "Because I saved your ass in history. And you." I say pointing at June. "You owe me for you know what." I tell her referring the time I covered for her to Brad when she hooked up with his football buddy, Todd, a few weeks back.

"Fine. But then we're even." June sighs putting her sandwich down. "What do we have to do?" Brad sighs snatching her sandwich and stuffing it in his mouth. "Sober drive. Make sure no one vomits anywhere they shouldn't." I shrug.

"So I'll be like a bouncer?" Brad smirks rubbing his hands together. "Sure." I shrug. "Oh this will be fun."


Clay doesn't show up to chemistry class. I find myself wondering where he is. Is he ditching to train? Is he ditching to get high? I'm snapped out of my thoughts by a grumpy Mr Karlson. "Kenzie! Detention after school." He snaps. "What'd I do?" I groan. "You're not paying attention and this important."

I just roll my eyes and try my hardest to focus. Which doesn't work out very well. He's so god-damn boring. When the bell finally rings I'm the first one out the door.

"Alright punks today is charcoal. Draw something you hate." Miss Wilson yells as she walks through the door. I groan and lay my head on the table. I hate charcoal. It's messy and takes forever to get off.

"What do you hate Kenz?" Miss Wilson asks once she realises I'm the only person not started. "Charcoal." I mutter sarcastically. "Ha Ha very funny." She rolls her eyes placing a box in front of me.

I end up drawing two people wrapped in each other's arms kissing. Just as I'm adding in the background Miss Wilson's taps me on the shoulder. "Shit! Don't do that!" I scold.

"You can stay if you want." She chuckles. I look around the room and notice everyone is gone. "Shit. I have detention." I exclaim jumping up. "Take it with you." Miss Wilson laughs shoving the charcoal into my hands.

I run across the school to get to detention. When I burst through the door Mr Karlson glares at me. "Sorry. Was stuck in art." I pant holding up my sketchbook and the charcoal. "Just sit down." He sighs shaking his head. The hatred Miss Wilsons has for him is mutual.

I head for the middle of the room but my eye catches Clay. He slightly nods to the empty seat next time. I scrunch my nose up at him but slide into the seat. Why does he show up to detention but not class? Surely it would be easier just to go to class.

"You have charcoal on your face." He whispers leaning slightly towards me. I internally groan. This is why I hate charcoal. "It's on your cheek." He whispers. "I'll get it later." I answer through clenched teeth.

"You look ridiculous." He continues. "So do you." I spit back before ignoring him to finish my drawing. "Clay. Kenzie. Both of you zip it now." Mr Karlson snaps and for once Clay actually listened to a teacher.

When we're dismissed I've just finished my drawing and jump out of my seat and rush to my locker where Logan is waiting. "Where the hell have you been?" He exclaims when I run up to him.

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