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A/N This chapter is a bit different! I'm not sure if it's any good or not so let me know please! :) 

Monday morning I'm sitting in history with June and Brad completely zoned out when June nudges me. I snap my head to her and she nods to the front of the class where Logan is standing with Clay as he talks to Mrs Holmes. "What's going on?" She whispers. "I have no idea." I whisper back as Brad spins in his seat to join our conversation. "Did something happen?" I shrug in response.

"Kenzie, June, Brad come to the front please." Mrs Holmes announces. "Grab your bags." She adds as we all stand up. We all send a questioning look to each other as we gather our things. "What's going on?" I ask as we reach the front. "You're excused from the rest of the class." She says giving me a sympathetic smile.

I narrow my eyes at her then at Logan who avoids eye contact with me. I grab his arm and drag him out of the class room. As soon as we're out of the class room I ask for the third time what was going on. "Dad asked for us to go home." He shrugs still avoiding eye contact. "Bullshit." I hiss folding my arms across my chest. "Kenzie. It's true." Clay says so quietly I almost didn't hear him.

My heart sinks to my stomach. I feel my whole body break out in a sweat and start shaking. "Whatever it is it'll be fine." He reassures pulling me into his chest. "Where are your keys?" He asks pushing my hair out of my face. I go to point to my bag but Brad already is going through it and pulls out my car keys. "I'll drive." He states wrapping an arm around Logans shoulders.

I end up sitting the back seat nestled into Clays side while June holds my hand on the other side. The drive to dads house is quite. The only noise is the cars driving past and the blinker. I fight back my tears and anxiety the whole way. When Brad pulls up I take a deep breath and let go of June and Clay ready to go see what the fuck is going on.

I fling the front door open and see my dad sitting in his full swat uniform, in his arm chair with Sargent Watson sitting on the sofa. "Kids, take a seat." Dad smiles as Sarge nods to us all before settling his eyes on Clay. Everyone moves to sit down apart from me. "Come sit down." Clay whispers in my ear putting his hand on my shoulder. I sigh and move to sit in my chair. Clay sits down on the floor in front of my feet.

"What's going on?" Logan asks this time peering over Sarge to look at dad. "Well you know this thing with your mom and Patrick?" He sighs leaning forward to rest his elbows on his knees. "Of course we do." I roll my eyes. "Sarge and I arrested Patrick." At this words relief floods me and I jump to my feet. "Are you serious?" I breathe out. "Dead serious." Dad smiles.

"So we're free?" Logan asks fighting a smile. Before dad can answer a loud knock comes from the front door. "Kenzie will you get that please?" Dad asks. I'm about to protest but I realise I'm the only one standing up. I quickly nod and run to the front the door. I fling the door open and Hayden is standing there looking nervous. "What are you doing here?" I ask scrunching my eyebrows.

"I was pulled out of class and told to come here."

"Alright." I shrug and head back to the living room. "Harrison is here." I announce eyeing Clay who's moved from the floor to my chair. "It's Hayden." Logan sighs throwing his head back. "Whatever." I roll my eyes squeezing my butt between Clay and the side of the chair. "Come on Jack just tell them." Sarge smirks.

"I spoke to the Judge and we don't need to go to court any more. I have full custody."

Logan is the first to burst into tears followed by Brad and me then June. "I can't believe it!" Logan exclaims getting up to hug my dad. "You're the best dad." I say moving over to hug him too. "I love you." I whisper into my dad's chest for the first time in years. "I love you too." He whispers back kissing the top of my head. When I pull back I see his eyes are streaming with tears too.

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