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The day of Clays fight against The Psycho finally arrived. Despite Patrick being in jail the fight was still on. I was full of anxiety. We still didn't know who he was and why Clay still had to fight. When I confronted Tony about it when Clay was training one day he simply shrugged and walked off.

Currently I'm sitting in a small room wrapping Clays hands for him. "You're shaking." He whispers as my hands stumble for the third time. "I'm worried." I sigh ready to throw the tape across the room. "I'm going to be fine baby." He chuckles kissing the top of my head. "If you're not I will personally kill you." I state locking my eyes on his.

"It's a deal." He laughs wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling my body so it's flush with his. "I love you." I whisper wrapping my arms around his waist and burying my head into his bare chest. "I love you too." He whispers back kissing the top of my head.

I pull away when I hear the door open and see Phil slipping through and closing it behind him quickly. "It's a mad house out there." He sighs running his hand through his hair. "It's almost time." He adds leaning casually against the wall. I nod and place a soft kiss on Clays cheek and wish him good luck once more before leaving with Phil.

The moment we step out of the room we're surrounded by people. Phil grips the top of my arm and leads me over to the speakers where dad is standing with Tony, Brad, June, Connor, Logan, and Hayden. Clays parents, Jen and Declan even came along and are standing with them.

"How is he doing?" Connor asks tearing his gaze away from my dad when we stop beside him. "He's fine." I mumble, chewing on my finger nails. "She's more nervous than him." Phil laughs tapping my shoulder. Tony spins around and nods at me before grabbing the microphone and heading into the makeshift ring.

I take a deep breathe trying to calm the butterflies down in my stomach but it's no use. My dad must have some parental super power because he takes a step back and wraps an arm around my shoulders and pulls me into his side. "He's going to be fine." He says into my ear before kissing the top of my head like Clay just did. At his actions a lone tear escapes and rolls down my cheek.

"Ladies and gentlemen! Oi! Fuck up!" Tonys voice commands. The whole room falls silent and Goosebumps break out over my arms and the hair prickles on the back of my neck. I've never heard a room go silent like this before. I see Susie grip Gabes arm tighter and Jen grab hold of Junes hand. They must be as nervous as I am.

"First up tonight we have one of the best damn fighters Underground has ever seen. With a current record of 18 to 0 and if he wins tonight he will beat The Rippers streak. Now give it up for The Killerrrrrrr!" The silence is broken by the thousands of people erupting into cheers. The loudest is definitely a toss-up between Logan and Declan.

My eyes lock onto Clay as he walks out of the room into the ring with his shoulders tensed up and a scowl on his face. "And is opponent a fighter from out of town The Psychooooo!" I tear my eyes away from Clay and scan the crowd looking for this man. As my eyes lock onto a large, shirtless man who looks like he's been on steroids since he was fifteen, my whole body stiffens. He's even bigger than Slaughter is!

The man stomps next to Clay and glares down at him. Tony visibly swallows and by the time he's back at our group he's extremely pale. Clays expression stays the exact same. Psycho raises his left fist and smashes it straight into Clays nose. I gasp as he stumbles back and blood pours out of his nose.

Clay wipes the blood from his nose and kicks Psycho in the ribs, when he bends down Clay raises his knee right into his face, making blood spill out of his opponents nose too. Before he can react Clay sweeps his foot underneath Psychos making him land on his back with a loud slapping noise.

Clay climbs on top of him and starts throwing wild punches and elbows to his face but somehow Psycho gets a hold of Clay and flips him over and assaults his face and ribs with his own fists and elbows. Blood is pouring out Clays mouth and nose now. Psycho seems to get bored of hitting Clay and lifts himself to his knees pulling Clay in front of him and wrapping his arms around his neck cutting off his air supply.

Clay struggles and tries to escape for a few seconds but then he slumps down like he's giving up. My eyes fill with tears and I bite my lip stopping myself from sobbing. "Get your head out of your ass and fucking kill him!" June screams moving forward and waving her arms around. "I swear to fucking god if you don't kill him I'll kill you!" Jen yells joining June.

Soon 95 percent of the crowd is chanting Killer.

Clay lifts his head and scans the faces of his family and friends before landing on me. He gives me a small smirk and brings his hands together before slamming both of his elbows into Psychos stomach three times before he is free.

Psychos eyes widen in shock as he looks between his hands and Clay. Clay spins on his heels and begins throwing a mixture of punches and kicks to his Psychos face and body until he falls onto his knees. Clay then jumps over him and wraps his arms around his neck and climbs onto his back and pulls him back so Psycho is laying on top of Clays knees.

"Tap out you little bitch!" Susie screams making Clays eyes snap to her in amusement. Clays mouth moves as he says something to Psycho which makes him thrash around more but there is no way he can escape. Different voices yell at Psycho to tap out but he refuses and keeps trying to free himself until he falls unconscious.

The moment he's out cold Clay release his grip and jumps to his feet. I shake myself out of my dad's grip and run straight into Clays arms. "I'm so glad you didn't die." I laugh through my tears nestling my head into his chest, not giving two shits about the blood smeared over his chest.

"I'm all bloody." He mumbles but pulls me closer into him. "I don't care." I state before smashing my lips against his. "Give it up for your winner and new Underground streak holder The Killerrrrrr!" Tony's voice yells making me pull away from Clay slightly. The whole place is cheering loudly, Susie, Jen and June's can be heard over everyone else.

"Now everyone get your money and get the fuck out of here!"

"Come on. Let's go." Clay smiles pulling his arms away from my waist and slipping one of his hands into my own. Clay drags me back into the small room and throws on his hoodie and sweatpants over his shorts and throws his bag over his shoulder.

"Aren't you hurt?" I question as he climbs out of the window with ease. "I think I'm running off adrenaline still." He shrugs. "I can't believe that guy." I exclaim as we walk towards Clays SUV. "I actually thought you were going to die." I add digging through my pockets for the keys.

"I never lose." 

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