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"Where are you two going?" Mom asks when Logan and I walk back into the living room. "Don't say anything." I whisper to Logan who stopped in front of me. "Out." I tell her before pushing Logan out of the room.

In the car Logan breaks down crying again. "It's going to be okay." I whisper pulling him into a hug. "We're going to be fine." I soothe. Once his tears subside I drive us to Haydens house. "Thanks Kenzie." Logan says once we pull up. "Any time." I give him a small smile. I sit in the car for a few seconds fighting back my own tears before following Logan into the house.

"Thank you so much Mrs Michaels. I'll pick him whenever you want." I say to Haydens mom as she hugs us both. "Oh honey it's no problem. Y'all are both welcome here anytime. Do you need a place to stay?" She says giving me a sad smile. "No. Thank you though." I say planning on going to my dad's even if he's working. "Ma who's here?" Connors voice yells. "Logan!" She yells back. "Sorry. That's my oldest boy." She says.

"Hey Logan. Oh hey Kenzie, didn't realize you were here too." Connor says walking into the entrance way where we're standing. "Hey Connor." I mumble. "Y'all know each other?" Mrs Michaels asks looking back and forth between us. "Ah yeah. She's Clays friend." Connor nods. "Is Hayden in his room?" Logan asks in a scratchy voice.

"Yes, you go right up dear."

"Well thanks again for taking him in. Just get him to ring me when he's ready to be picked up." I say before heading out the door. I'm half way to dads house when my phone rings. I glance at the caller ID thinking it would be mom but she hasn't even tried texting or ringing. My heart sinks a little when I see Clays name flashing across the screen.

"Hello." I answer. "Are you okay?" His voice comes through sounding almost, worried? "Of course. Why wouldn't I be?" I snort. "Connor just rang. Said you dropped Logan off and you looked upset." I pull over and take a deep breath before answering. "Mom was being a bitch." I say resting my head on the steering wheel.

"Where are you?"

"On the way to dads." My voice cracks. "Do you want to come around?" Clay asks. "To your place?" I question lifting my head up. "Yeah." He says. "Okay." I whisper before turning around and heading to his house.

As I pull up Clay runs up to my car in sweat pants, a hoodie and socks. "Where are your shoes?" I try to joke. "Come on." He says closing my door and pulling me inside. He pulls me straight past his confused looking parents in the living room to his bedroom. Right after closing his door he wraps his arms around me and I break down into sobs on his chest.

"What happened?" Clay whispers once I've stopped crying. We move to sit on his bed as I retell him what happened. "It's stupid. I don't even know why I'm this upset." I laugh humourlessly.

"She seems like a bitch." Clay states threading his fingers through mine. "She is." I agree. Clay opens his mouth to say something but is cut off by a knock on the door. He sighs and lets go of my hand before yelling "what?"

Susies head pops through the door before pushing it all the way open. "Hello sweetheart. Have you had dinner?" She asks gently. I shake my head glancing at Clay. "Perfect. Dinner will be ready in 10 minutes." She smiles before leaving.

"I guess you're staying for dinner." Clay shakes his head before getting up. "I see where you get your bossiness from." I giggle standing up. "Do you want to stay here?" Clay mumbles kicking the side of his bed gently.

"It's thanksgiving tomorrow." I point out. "And?" He asks raising an eyebrow. "You'll be with your family all day." I explain like it's obvious.


"Fine. I'll stay but I'll leave early." I say rolling my eyes. "Come on. Let's go eat." Clay smirks leaving the room. I quickly follow him into the dining room.

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