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Monday morning I walk into school with a smile on my face. "Why are you so happy all of a sudden?" Logan grunts. My good mood has pissed him off all weekend thanks to him not being able to handle his alcohol. "Stop being so moody." I tell him flicking his nose before skipping off to my locker.

"Hello Kenzie bear." June smiles at me. "Am I the only one that didn't get laid this weekend?" Brad huffs joining her side. "Yup." June smiles. "Where the hell is Clay? I need to have some words with him." June says looking around. "Oh there he is. Be back soon." She say blowing a kiss to us before running off.

"So things are going good with Clay?" Brad asks eyeing up a junior walking a little too close. "Yeah." I smile. "Good. He's one guy I don't want to punch for you." He laughs. "Speaking of punching people, I'm having a party on Saturday." He says turning to face me. "I'll be there." I agree instantly. Brad always throws the best parties.

"Look." Brad nods down the hall where I see Clay walking toward as with a very pissed off looking June. Brad and I look at each other for a second before bursting into laugher. "He won't tell me anything." June pouts. "I said I'll tell you after school." Clay grunts rolling his eyes.

"Fine. But you can buy me a burger." She demands. "Gotta go!" She yells running off. "What was that about?" I ask before seeing Todd walk up to Brad. Ah. Makes sense. Brad turns to Todd and bro shakes him before falling into conversation about the party.

"Your eye looks better." I say turning to Clay. "Yeah I iced it." He winks. "Whoever told you to do that must be incredibly smart." I tease. "I thought of it all by myself." He chuckles turning to face me. "You're so damn clever." I answer sarcastically, rolling my eyes.

The rest of the school day goes by normally, after school I end up sitting next June across from Clay and Brad at Susies so Clay can answer all of Junes million questions. "Hi I'm Jen, I'm your – oh fuck go sit over there." Jen huffs when she see Clay. "Actually never mind." She winks at me.

"What can I get you all?"

Brads eyes go really wide when he see Jen so I kick him under the table. "Can I get a chicken burger and coke please." I smile. "Same for me please." Jen smiles finally tearing her glare away from Clay. "Ooh who are you? I'm Jen." Jen smiles at June noticing the glare.

"Ah. June?" She answers making it sound like a question. "You go to school too?" She asks with gleaming eyes. "Fuck up Jen." Clay groans. "Fine." She pouts before taking Brad and Clays order. "Be back soon." She waves.

Clay tells my friends that he started fighting in the summer because his uncle runs it and he needed money. As he's telling them the rules I notice Jen and Declan peeking around a wall watching us both with huge smiles on their faces.

What are they up too? I excuse myself and head to the bathrooms. I quickly make a detour though and sneak up behind Jen and Declan. "What are we looking at?" I ask making them both jump. "Shit Kenzie! You gave me a heart attack!" Jen exclaims putting her hand on her chest.

"We're you two spying?" I ask amused. "Maybe." Declan mumbles. "He didn't believe me that Clay had friends." Jen offers. "Do they know?" Declan asks lowly. "Yeah, they were there Friday." I nod. "See I told you!" Jen exclaims punching her brothers shoulder.

"Oh shit! Clays looking! Go!" Jen says pushing me back to the table. I'm laughing when I get back to the table. "What was that about?" Clay asks when I sit back down. "Nothing." I giggle. "Here's your food." Jen smiles placing our food down. "Damn she's hot." Brad says watching her ass as she walks away. Clay wastes no timing in punching Brads shoulder.

"What was that for?" Brad asks rubbing his shoulder. "That's my sister." Clay scoffs. "You have a sister?" June gasps. Clay nods taking a bite of his burger. "She is pretty hot." June smirks biting her own burger. Half way through our meal Declan stops by our table. "Moms coming." He blurts out quickly before running off.

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