Chapter 14: I'm Staying.

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The Sun rose on D'Qar, announcing a beautiful day with it. The base was already fully awaken: Chewie and Rey woke up early to finish preparing the Falcon, Jessika and Bango were having a huge breakfast while talking and joking, Jay and Snap, helped by the mecanics, were working on the Resistance's transports, knowing that they would need them very soon. Dante was meditating on the base's roof. Leïa, assisted by Admiral Holdo, was looking through the different planets that could hide the Resistance after they would leave D'Qar. And as for Poe and Ly'ra, they were still asleep. Their conversation had went on until very late the previous night and the couple had ended up falling asleep in each other's arms, avoiding for once, any nightmare.

Ly'ra was the first to wake up, feeling strong arms around her. A small smile appeared on her sleepy figure, the warm breath of Poe was tickling the back of her neck but she didn't move, too happy to be able to wake up next to him. The pilot started moving slightly in her back and the young woman turned her head to see two beautiful brown eyes opening and closing softly, a tired smile on his face.



None of them moved during several moments until Ly'ra felt Dameron's lips on her shoulder. She smiled and rolled on her back to face him. The sheets had felt around his waist, allowing the young woman to glance with a little smirk at his naked and muscular torso. He softly caressed her face, placing few strands of her red hair, that had fallen in front of her eyes, behind her ear, and he then placed his hand on her waist, bringing her closer to him.

"Sleep well?"

"Honestly I haven't slept like this for months! And, I have a good news for you!"

Still half asleep, Poe arched a brow, intrigued by her smile.

"Yeah? What is it?"

Ly'ra offered an amused smile to her lover before leaning on her elbow, fixing her green eyes into Dameron's browns.

"I'm staying."

The pilot couldn't hold back a little laugh, even if behind the joke, he knew what that meant for the both of them: they could start planning a real relationship, without having one of them being forced to cross the Galaxy, while the other would have to stay and help Leïa and the Resistance. Poe smiled and softly brought the young woman closer to kiss her lips. She returned his kiss and the pilot pushed her back very gently on the bed, placing himself above her, having obviously an idea in mind to start their day in a pleasant way.


"And what about the propulsion? Rose, what do you have?"

The young mecanic stepped out from under the transport and looked up at Jay, still on the ship.

"I still need an hour or two... I'll work on it again once aboard the Raddus, but it'll be fine until then."

The pilot nodded and closed the hatch he was working on, removing his protection glasses. It was only then that he noticed Leïa who was arriving on the tarmac.


"So how are we doing?"

While Rose was going back under the ship, Jay jumped down from the transport and stepped closer to the former Princess.

"The transports will be ready just in time Madam. We're all working on it."

Leïa nodded before looking around her. All the Resistants were working on getting the transports ready for the evacuation that should happen the next day.

"And where are Poe and Ly'ra?"

Jay arched a brow, an amused smile appearing on his face.

"Well... I haven't seen them today Madam. I believe they're still in Dameron's room."

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