Chapter 24: Dad.

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Ly'ra couldn't talk anymore. She was literally frozen by these revelations. A part of her had always thought of Dante as a fatherly figure, but learning that he was, indeed, her father and knowing everything he went through and everything he saw just hit her face and she couldn't think.

During his entire story, Dante hadn't moved, maybe too worried to scare even more the young woman. Of course, he would have prefered to announce it otherwise, without being forced and even more, without the presence of all these women around them.

"I beg you Ly'ra... Say something..."

Slowly, almost mechanically, the young woman stepped forward, her eyes still fixed on Dante's. How couldn't she notice that they had the very same eyes? Exactly the same emerald color, with the same golden sparkles inside. She kneeled in front of the Jedi, studying his face. Still very slowly, she raised her hand towards the old man's cheek and hesitated a second before softly caressing it. Dante responded right away and placed his hand above his daughter's, closing his eyes, enjoying this contact lost long ago.


Without noticing it, she had start crying. Unable to bear this sight, Dante closed the gap and took her in his arms. The last time he held her like that, she was a new born and he was running away from Dathomir to, hopefully, never come back.

"My princess... My beautiful little girl... I'm so proud of you!"

Buried in her father's arms, Ly'ra forgot where they were and the mission they had to fulfill. All her life, she had missed something and she never knew what. It was like she always felt a hole in her heart, a hole that had been filled by Dante's words. By her father's words.

Unfortunately, this tender reunion couldn't last. The Jedi lowered his voice, bringing the young woman back to reality.

"I'm gonna need you Sweetheart. They outnumber us but we don't need to fight them all. We just need a distraction to run to my ship."

Ly'ra took a deep breath to calm down and very slowly grabbed her blaster.

"Where's Bango?"

"He took your ship to warn the Resistance to go on Crait. We must join them quickly."

The young woman nodded slowly, suddenly a bit worried that the young man had left with the Fire One, even more knowing his quality of pilot.

"Fine, we're done with this! Take them away!"

Dante and Ly'ra looked at each other and, right when the young woman felt hands grabbing her, she quickly turned around and fired, killing right away one of the Witches. Surprised, Silri stepped back while father and daughter rose up, taking their weapons, side by side. Dante activated his saber, the yellow light reflecting on the walls, and Ly'ra grabbed her double-blade, spinning it in front of her.

The young woman attacked the first opponent who was stepping closer, while the Jedi was trying to break free a way towards his ship. The fights were violent, full of rage and angst. Ly'ra pushed back a Witch hitting her in her stomach, before quickly turning on her heels and stabbed another in her tummy with her blade. She then rose up all the way to her neck, leaving her bleeding to death. In the same time, Dante had started a fight with Silri. With her laser-whip, her eyes full of hatred, the Witch was attacking, both with her weapon and her powers. She had become powerful but the Jedi's anger was helping him to keep up the rythm.

Ly'ra removed her blade from the heart of a woman she just killed, shot with her blaster another one before glancing at her father. He seemed in difficulties and she knew she didn't know her power enough to help him, but, she could still try something. She focused with all her strengths on the roof, closing her eyes. When she opened them again, they were glowing with a scarlet red light and the stones of the roof started shaking and crumbled. Then, with a quick move of her wrist, the young woman made it collapse and, in the same time, she had blocked the way and thus, the possible arrival of new fighters. 

Surprised, Silri looked back to discover what she did, before looking up at Ly'ra, incredulous. She didn't think the mercenary could be so powerful so young. Making a use of the confusion, Dante used the Force and sent his former jailer fly against a wall. Father and  daughter shared a glance, a light smile on their faces. It was when everything fell down. Both of them, too focused on their fights, didn't see Kaplan and his men arriving on the planet. Maybe they were already here, ambushed, waiting for the right moment to attack. No matter what, Dante and Ly'ra were now surrounded by Stormtroopers, the Colonel standing tall in the frame of the only way out of the temple. The anger of the Jedi grew even more stronger now and he waved his saber in front of him.

"Oh please Dante... You don't want that your daughter see you die?"


Kaplan smiled coldly, his eyes going from Ly'ra to the Jedi.

"My wife couldn't give birth. And I wanted my name to continue. For the First Order. Without talking about the fact that you really couldn't take care of a child. I offered her a better life, a life you could just have dreamed of giving her! And now, I'm afraid I have to take her back again. Her fiancé wants to see her."

Ly'ra arched a brow.

"So this is just for that? A whim of Hux? Seriously? And he doesn't even dare to come here himself?"

"The General had more urgent things to do. Like destroying completely the Resistance."

Furious, the young woman stepped forward, waving her blaster.

"Ly'ra no!"

Blinded by her anger, the pilot didn't see Silri getting closer, a dagger in her hand. When she noticed her, it was too late. Dante had interposed between them, and he was hit instead of his daughter.

"Dad? No... NO!"

The Jedi fell down slowly on the ground, held by his daughter. The young woman tried to stay calm and check the wound, just like she did so many times before, but now, something had changed. It was not just Dante. It was her father.

"W-wait... Let me see..."

She knew, even before she could see the wound, that there was nothing she could do. He was losing too much blood. She tried to keep her eyes fixed on her hands. They were shaking, covered with the Jedi's blood.

"Sweetheart... It's gonna be alright... It's okay... Look at me..."

Her eyes full of tears, Ly'ra looked up at her father. He was smiling at her and he caressed softly her cheek.

"Everything will be fine. No one is ever really gone. You'll always find me. Always. Look for me in your heart and I'll be there. Don't cry Angel..."

The young woman held tight the old man in her arms.

"Take this and no matter what, I'll be with you Princess... I love you."

He handed her his saber and Ly'ra nodded softly, took the weapon, trying vainly to hold back her tears.

"I love you too dad."

He offered her a last smile and Dante Erso closed slowly his eyes, leaving his daughter alone with her pain. At this moment, Ly'ra lost all control. In few months, all her life had been shaken and all her marks had just disappeared. Dante, the Resistance, Poe... She closed her eyes and allowed all her anger, her pain and her hatred invade her. She felt the strength of her powers taking over and her screamed of despair, allowing all this unknown force to let go. A pure power exploded, taking the appearance of red flames, striking down everyone who was around. Dozens of Stormtroopers and Witches were killed, Silri and Kaplan were safe only because they were too far away from her at this moment.

Exhausted mentally and physically, Ly'ra fell into darkness and next to her father's body, a body that disappeared few seconds later.

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