Chapter 26: Epilogue.

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The flight from Myrkr to the First Order's Destroyer was silent. Still under the shock of Dante's death, Ly'ra couldn't even think anymore. She came back to consciouness few minutes after having been tied down inside the ship and she couldn't realise that, in the matter of few minutes, she found and lost her true father. All these years, he had been by her side, training her, teaching her everything he knew and she always had seen him as a mentor. He actually acted like a father. The painful truth stroke her again and she allowed herself to cry her loss silently. Just few moments. Because once she would face her enemy, she would not let them see her pain.

"Congratulations Ladies! Excellent job!"

This voice, Ly'ra would recognize it from the other side of the Galaxy, as he stole her her life with her true father. The young woman's anger was growing stronger each second and soon, her rage would overwhelm her again, and she would not be able to control anything anymore. She kept her head down, waiting for what was coming next, still flanked by her Guardians.

The transport landed and Silri's survival Witches grabbed the pilot's arms, provoking a frown of pain, her wound being reminded violently. She noticed later that she had been hit during the destruction of the temple. Still in a huge silence, the group stepped out of the ship, under the surprised looks of the Stormtroopers of the High Command of the First Order. When she noticed the blood red ground, Ly'ra frowned. She expected to be taken aboard a Destroyer, but she was actually taken on Crait. The young woman then looked up and around. Obvious violent fights had occurred in front of the old Rebellion base and she even noticed the Fire One, destroyed.


After few minutes, the group stepped into the old mine, with its main gate completely blown away by an explosion. 

"Ah! Colonel..."

And there he was.

"... Why this urgent message? You were supposed to meet us aboard. He can't see anyone right now..."

"And still I have something that might please you..."

Just like he used to, Hux ignored the group of Witches, fixing his eyes on his subordinate. Kaplan stepped aside, and the two women who were guarding the pilot stepped forwards, pushing the young woman to the ground. Ly'ra let out a painful groan before looking up at her ex fiancé.

"Well what a surprise... Welcome back Sweetheart."

The young woman stood up, her green eyes shining with hatred and challenge.

"Fuck you Hux. I'm gonna kill you. You. Kaplan. That bitch of Silri. I'm gonna kill you all."

The young Officer stepped forwards, threatening.

"Is it a threat Ly'ra?"

Calmly, the pilot fixed him right into his eyes before answering:

"Oh no Armitage... It's a promise."

The General let out a small laugh before violently slapping her. Ly'ra felt down before seeing Hux kneeling down, taking her bloody face in his hands and smiled.

"Oh no Princess... I made a mistake once when I gave you to the Hutts... I won't do it again. You're gonna stay with me and from now on, you're gonna do everything I will tell you. You belong to me now."

Hearing these words, Silri stepped forwards, frowning.

"I want to keep her! She's part of my people!"

Ly'ra couldn't hold back a laugh seeing the stupid look of Hux who, obviously, didn't understand what this woman was talking about. She thought this whole situation was funny. This man was looking for her for months, and now that he had her in front of him, someone else wanted to keep her. The young woman had the feeling she was like a trophy. Suddenly, an Officer announced:

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