Chapter 17: Distraction.

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While Ly'ra, Rose, Connix and the Resistants still on D'Qar were finishing the evacuation, Poe was bringing his X-Wing right in front of the First Order's Dreadnought. He had to admit that the size of this ship compared to the Black One was really impressive and that if they didn't fall into his trap, he would be blown up more quickly than the Light Speed. And, even BB8 seemed to doubt the idea of Dameron.

"Happy beeps here, Buddy. Come on! We've pulled crazier stunts than this!"

The first example coming to his mind was Affavan that had almost ended up in a slaughter.

"Just for the record Commander Dameron, I'm with the droid on this one..."

"Thank you for your support General..."

Leïa didn't answer Poe's sarcasm, but she let out a small and amused smile. The pilot took a deep breath, suddenly doubting his own plan. An entire group of Resistants was still on the base and they needed more time to evacuate and there weren't much possibilities of rescue for them. His girlfriend was among them and he would never let her fall back into the First Order's hands, even less Armitage Hux's. The General was looking for her for months now and he would not give up so easily.

"Happy beeps."

Poe then started the communication between the Black One and the Dreadnought:

"Attention, this is Commander Poe Dameron of the Republic Fleet. I have an urgent communiqué for General Hugs."

Willingly, he let the communication plugged between his ship, the Raddus and Ly'ra's comlink. On D'Qar, the young woman, who was hurrying to help the last Resistants to board into the last transport, froze when she heard the pilot's voice. She frowned wondering if he mispronounced her ex fiancé's name deliberately, but knowing Dameron, she quickly understood that he wanted to have some fun. She cut off her mic and waved for Rose.

"Hurry Rose, just give it up, it won't work on time. We need to go now!"

The young mecanic glanced at the ship, sighed and looked back at the pilot.

"Give me two minutes."


"Two minutes!"

Ly'ra swore, but she ran right behind the young woman to help her. The voice of Hux in her ear made her bloodcurling.

"Patch him through. This is General Hux of the First Order..."

The pilot noticed he corrected the pronounciation of his name and she couldn't hold back an amused smile.

"... The Republic is no more. Your fleet are rebel scums and war criminals..."

On the ground, Ly'ra rolled her eyes, knowing that the criminals he was mentionning was just another way to talk about her and her men. She sighed before handing Rose a key, while the girl was starting to dive deeper into the transport's engines.


"... Tell your precious Princess there will be no terms, there will be no surrender."

"Hi, I'm holding for General Hugs."

Leïa and Ly'ra were trying their best to stay serious while hearing Poe's self-assurance. The pilot knew that he was indeed trying to give her time, but she also knew that her man was obviously having fun while mocking the General. Jealousy or revenge, it didn't really matter, it was working and that was essential. 

"This is Hux. You and your friends are doomed! We will wipe your filth from the Galaxy!

"Okay... I'll hold..."

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