Chapter: One

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[Author-nim p.o.v]
The two men walked inside the old abandoned building.There was pin drop silence. The two kept cautious eyes on their surroundings as they walked in,their each step making a faint sound on the floor.They stopped & looked around.They waited but no one was there.The shorter guy with black hair gritted his teeth in pure rage.He wore a black suit with dress shoes which wasn't very comfortable to him.

YG(Yoongi):"Come on out you assholes! I don't have all day!"

His shout sounded even louder because of the silent atmosphere. Just then,the taller guy with brown hair heard a ear piercing sound.Before the guy with black formal shirt could understand anything,he heard a groan beside him.He pulled out his gun from his back pocket in a snap & turned towards the sound & what he saw next broke his heart into million pieces.The older but shorter guy was on the ground,whimpering in pain.He had been shot in his left arm.Blood was coming out from it nonestop & the brown haired boy kneeled on the ground in front his boss a.k.a hyung.

Just then another gunshot was heard & the shot guy yelled in pain once more.The other guy looked around but the shooters were hiding themselves really well.He looked back at his hyung who was now shot on the right side of his stomach.He was in a pool of blood.He groaned & tried his best to breath but it felt really hard.The younger boys heart started to beat rapidly.He didn't waste anymore time & stood up.He carried his hyung bridal style & started to run out of the abandoned building.He ran to his car & put the older boy on the back seat.He came back towards the building & lit up a lighter.He threw it at the house & immediately the fire started to occupy the building.

He hurriedly ran to the car & started driving.

Brown haired boy:"Hyung,don't stop breathing & Don't Close YOUR EYES!"

He said loudly to make sure his stubborn hyung heard it.He drove like a mad man in the streets of Seoul.He didn't care if he killed anyone on his way cuz right now what mattered to him the most was his hyung.

YG:"T-Taehyung-ah..... Pe-poeple will se-"
He couldn't finish his sentence due to lack of breath & gave up.Taehyung knew what exactly Yoongi wanted to say but he needed to save him anyhow.

TH(Taehyung):"Hyung! For God's sake,stop being stubborn for once! Don't say another single word!"

Being disrespectful to his hyung was the least of Taehyung's concern right now.He finally reached the hospital & got out of his car & yelled loudly.


Just then he saw some people running towards his car with a stretcher. He smiled at the fast work of the employees of their own hospital.They took Yoongi & started to run to the emergency room & Taehyung followed them.

[Yoongi p.o.v]
It felt so hard to breath.My arm felt numb.I felt that I was being taken somewhere & a lot of people were shouting around me.Taehyung was yelling at me to not stop breathing.That brat.Everything was a mess but then I suddenly heard a faint voice.

???:"I'm sorry mister but you have to wait outside! I promise I will try my best to save him!"

That voice,it was so sweet.As if honey was pouring from her voice.She sounded soft but at the same time fierce.

I tried to open my eyes & I caught a glimpse of someone. She looked like a fairy.Did I die? Am I in heaven? But I'm supposed to be in hell.How did I end up here? & that was the last thing I thought before I actually gave up on breathing.

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