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[Author-nim p.o.v]
The smallest boy in the room cleared his throat & sat straight.His dyed goldenish brown hair parted in the middle as it gives out a princely vibe.His thin,petite figure sits there on the couch beside Taehyung. His cheeks are soft & round,his eyes turning to crescent moon shapes as his slightly plump lips stretch to make it look thin in a charming smile.

Him:"Hello! I'm Park Jimin!21 year old,I'm the supervisor of the company!"

He states happily as he bows lightly. Ahyun smiles at the younger boy.

The pink haired one leans forward in his seat as his shoulders cover most part of the couch.His side parted hair with his long nose scream of perfection.His plump thick lips calling out a battle with Jimin's,he looks too unreal for this world.His small waist will make people think he doesn't eat.

Him:"Hi! I'm Kim Seokjin!You can just call me Jin! I'm 24,the board of director for the company! Its a pleasure to meet you."

He says enthusiastically.

The black haired one smiles then & Ahyun swears he could light up a whole house with his billion dollar heart shaped smile.His hair is side parted like Jin's,his eyes glowing in pure happiness as he smiles at the only girl in the room.His nose is so perfect,people might think he has a plastic surgery which he clearly doesn't.

Him:"Hello! I'm your hope,Jung Hoseok! You can call me Hoseok or Hobi! I'm 22 & I'm the director for our sales department."

He ends off excitedly. He sure is the happy ball of sunshine - Ahyun thinks.

The last one to introduce himself,the boy with dark hair,sitting there with Yoongi.His sturdy,muscular physique makes him the strongest one of them but his face speaks in baby language.His dark doe eyes stare right through her soul he as pouts with his full lower & thin but slightly uneven upper lip.When his eyes meet hers,he looks away & starts scavenging for a way to look as he's too shy to make eye contact.

Him:"I-I'm Jeon Jungkook,20 years old.You can call me Kookie.I'm still in highschool so I'm still learning about work.It's nice to meet you."

He bows & smiles which slightly shows his adorable bunny teeth.Taehyung cleares his throat.

TH:"& as you know,I'm Kim Taehyung!21 years old,Min Yoongi's personal assistant as well as a supervisor with Jiminnie! You can call me Tae or TaeTae!"


She giggles a little at his cuteness.

AH:"& I'm Park Ahyun,22 years old, I'm a senior doctor at the Seoul Bangtan hospital.You can just call me Ahyun."

They all smile welcomingly at her.

JK(Jungkook):"So you're a noona?"


Ahyun smiles.

TH:"Ah noona! There's another one of us! He's currently abroad for a business trip!"

SJ(Seokjin):"He'll be back tonight.But hey,let me tell you beforehand,He doesn't like people easily so don't mind him if he acts a bit rude,yeah?"

AH:"That's fine!You can't impress everyone,right?"

She tilts her head & smiles.

HS(Hoseok):"That's true~~"

Hoseok sings.

The pale man with boredome plastered over his face speaks for the first time.

YG:"Taehyung-ah. Show her to her room."

MAFIA'S DOCTOR [Min Yoongi X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now