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[Author-nim p.o.v]
Ahyun was fuming in anger as she walk towards Yoongi's room,his ankle wasn't broken at all! He lied,his X-ray shows a perfect healthy ankle & there he was lying in the hospital bed with a plaster in his leg.What kind of a crazy human being loves to stay in a hospital?! Now she understood why he wasn't allowing her to prescribe his medicines.

She slammed the door open, he was in the bed - trying to grab the newspaper nearby with his broken foot,Finger quote the 'broken'.Taehyung was boredly scrolling through his phone which he never did when Yoongi was actually injured.

Yoongi quickly stopped what he was doing when he sees her & pretends to lie down painfully. Ahyun puts her hands in her hip,shooting daggers at the two men.

AH:"What the actual heck is happening here?"

She asked in a rather calm voice but the steadyness in her voice could shake anyone in fear.Yoongi looks at her confusedly,raising an eyebrow at her.

TH:"What are you talking about,noona?"

Ahyun walked closer,putting the X-ray right in front of Taehyung's face.They both gulped in the silence,heart beating faster.

AH:"Why the hell are you faking a broken ankle,Yoongi?"

She asked in a low voice,making a chill run down his spine.

YG:"W-why would I f-fake it?"

He tried to play dumb but she wasn't that easy to fool.

AH:"Don't try to play dumb,Mr.Min.Your X-ray report says that your ankle is perfectly fine.What is wrong with you?"

YG:"T-t-t-the X-ray must be wrong."

She sighed.

AH:"it says patient number 43 in our hospital code language & that's you."

TH:"H-how did you get it? Who gave it to you?"

AH:"I cornered doctor Wang who you scared by saying you will fire him if he doesn't listen,Mr.Kim."

An annoying smirk plays in her lips as Taehyung frowns at her being formal suddenly.

AH:'Now tell me the reason."

YG;"There was no reason."

AH:"Everything has a reason Mr.Min."

She crosses her arms,smirking at him annoyingly.Yoongi was nervous at first but he got turned on by this sudden sexy side of Ahyun that he never saw before today.

YG:"We were just bored."

AH:"As long as I know,businessmen like you don't have time to get bored."

Damn,she is on fire,bultaone - Yoongi thinks.He keeps quiet,thinking about a savager comeback.

AH:"Just spill the reason,Yoongi & its done."

She says in a tired voice.

YG:"I told you,there was no reason."

He replies,being as stubborn as her.

AH:"Fine then."

She walks towards him,opening up his bandaid with a swift motion of her hands.

AH:"I might need to tell you to go,Mr.Min,kindly."

She says through gritted teeth,Yoongi looks down sadly.He can't tell her the reason,she most probably likes someone else.


She walks away without giving him a chance to say another word.Yoongi face palms himself,walking away.He made her mad,great!

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