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[Author-nim p.o.v]
NJ:"It was our highschool orientation day.You remember it,right? Me,you,Mark,Hobi,Chaeng noona - we all were so happy we were starting highschool.But my happy day didn't last long.That was the day it all ended."

Namjoon sighs,as if already tired from the few words he let out.He stares into space,thinking about all the events that took place that day.All the boys suddenly get lost in their own world,staring into space & thinking.Namjoon continues with a monotone voice.

NJ:"Our parents,all 7 of our parents were together in a mafia gang.They were the most powerful gang of their time.To hide their true selves from the outer world, they started a company, that,the 7 of us run until now.Even our mother's were dangerous murderers.All we kids,we stayed with each other like siblings though we don't relate by blood.The oldest one of us was Jin hyung's older brother & the youngest one Jimin's younger brother.We used to live in a big house,7 family's together.But that day,highschool orientation day,when me & Hobi went home,we walked into our unconscious guard.He was lying limply beside the door.Me & Hobi quickly ran in to inform one of our parents about it.But.....when we entered,the house was dead silent,unusual it was.The first thing we saw was........Jungkook's dad lying in a pool of blood in the living room."

Her eyes widen,she stares at Namjoon who didn't even look up for once.He was scared to look at her,what of she hates that miserable look in his eyes?

NJ:"My blood froze,I was so shocked.Me & Hobi walked around - calling for everyone.& soon we found every other person lying lifelessly in every corner of the house,including our siblings.I fell on my knees when I saw the little body of my sister lying like that on the ground.I couldn't take it.I cried,I yelled,I asked for help,but no.No one was there to listen to me & Hoseok.When we reached Yoongi hyungs brothers room,we saw a highschooler Yoongi hyung bracing himself in a corner of the room as he sobbed quietly while looking at the d-dead body of his brother."

Namjoon stops,sighing. He doesn't attempt to hide the tears that were rolling down his cheeks anymore.He didn't care anymore at this moment.He just wanted to let this all out.

NJ:"As we kept looking,we found the middle schoolers Jungkook & Taehyung inside the secret library room & Jimin's younger brother Jihyun inside the 2nd floor bathroom.I'm sure one of our mom's put the 3 of them away to save them.J-jin hyung & Hobi's sister came back home from college to their family dead & the rest of us crying."

Namjoon takes another deep sigh,wiping his left cheek & looking at his hand to see his tears.

NJ:"Our parents men cleared it all out.Apparently, the killer were our parents biggest enemy's,the Ex9.Ex7's parents they were.Later on they also got killer but their kids didn't leave us which lead us to today's event.All of us were lost after that. After we recovered a bit from the shock,we had to take over the company that was running without an owner,CEO,president.That's when I became the president of the company at the age of 16.The older four of us hardly attended school,we had to work hard.But we made sure the 3 youngest studied.We sent Jiwoo noona- Hobi's sister away.We couldn't bare to loose another smile so its safe for her to stay away.She lives in LA now.Jihyun was too little,we couldn't take care of him properly so we sent him to Jimin's grandma.He now lives there in Busan with her.We haven't seen him for years but I hope he's a nice young high schooler now.That day,all of our lives were crashed. Our dreams were stomped on,our loved ones were stabbed.& that's what,Ahyun,lead us to today.As horrible mafia's who kill people without mercy."

Namjoon ends with bitterness filling his voice.The boys wipe their tears as they realise all 7 of them were crying.They look at Ahyun finally & each & every boys stomach churns at the sight.Her eyes were puffy,nose red.She was crying her heart out silently all this time.

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