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[Author-nim p.o.v]
Ahyun hugs each of the boys as they stand in the doorway of Bangtan's house.It's been a month since she came & Yoongi is fully recovered now.He doesn't need a hand cast anymore & his stomach wound is healed properly.Ahyun needs to go back home & start hospital work.In this whole month,a lot happened.She met some amazing people,made some wonderful friends & fell in love for the first time in her life.

She came to conclusion that she was in love with Yoongi when she couldn't bring herself to stop thinking about him.He filled a special place in her heart no one else could take over on.She felt sad as she was gonna leave & not see Yoongi so often.

Yoongi wished she'd stay but he doesn't have a valid reason to hold her back. He looks at her with sad eyes as she smiles at Hoseok,saying bye.He was sure now that he loved her,more than anything.She was that special one he needed,but there was no possible way she liked him back,right?

The last person she comes to is Yoongi, shyly hugging him.His heart beats faster at her warm touch.He hugs her back,taking in her beautiful smell.She breaks the hug & looks up at Yoongi,smiling which makes his heart explode.

AH:"Take care of yourself,yeah?Eat healthy & don't get shot again~~"

She jokes to lighten up the mood & he giggles a bit at her cuteness.

YG:"I will not."

She nods & looks at the other boys,tilting her head & smiling.

AH:"So I'll be leaving,everyone take care.We'll meet soon?"

She says in anticipation, the boys nodding.

SJ:"Aigooo I'm so sad,my little angel is leaving meeee~"

Jin pouts sadly,Ahyun chuckling at his cuteness.Yoongi looks at his hyung,he wants to be this open & straight forward like him.

AH:"Aigooo! Its fine,we'll meet!"

NJ:"We'll see you soon,Hyunie.Take care of yourself!"

AH:"I will,Joonie.Thanks!"

JM:"Noona,let's go."

She nods at the younger boy,climbing on the passenger seat of her Lamborghini as Jimin takes the driver seat.He starts the car & drives off as she waves at the other boys till they're out of sight.

She sits straight & sighs softly,Jimin takes a side glance at her.He focuses on the road again,thinking about the events that took place in these 30 days.He has observed Ahyun & he can tell that she has something special for his savage hyung.He decides to ask her as they're alone right now.


He calls out,she looks at the boy & hums in response.


JM:"Do any chance,like Yoongi hyung?"

She suddenly chuckles at the question, making Jimin raise an eyebrow at her.

AH:"It was so obvious then,huh?"

She says in a low yet sweet voice,almost as if she's in another world.Somewhere far in the sky,dancing with Yoongi in her dreams.

JM:"I suppose it was."

AH:"Yeah,I like him.I know its not quiet relevant,I don't have the right to like him,do I? But here I am,going crazy about that one person. I tried hard,Jimin......but I couldn't get myself to stop liking him."

She speaks out her mind to the most considerate boy she's ever met as she looks out the window.Jimin smiles at bit,thinking about his own girlfriend & how he will probably loose her when she gets to know what he actually is.But he loves her,he needs her.He also needs to keep her safe & that's why he can't let her know about his true indentity.It kills him to think that she will hate him when she gets to know.

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