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[Author-nim p.o.v]

The person giggles.

AH:"What......are you doing here?"

The person smiles & shakes their body cutely.

???:"I was missing you so I......came to see you."

The last part comes in a cute voice with a pout.Ahyun squints her eyes at the person before her,confusion filling her system.

AH:"Yoongi....are you okay?"

She tilts her head at him.He doesn't look normal,his cheeks are flushed red & he's acting unusual,he's never like this.Yoongi stumbles two steps forward,Ahyun flinches a bit but stays on her position.That's when it hit her,there's a strong smell of alcohol coming from Yoongi.He's clearly drunk.

How did he come here? Where's his car? She looks out the door as she thinks.

AH:"How did you come here? Where's your car?"

YG:"Heeee dropped"

She frowns,he?

AH:"Who's that he? Yoongi."

YG:"His name.... Wait.....his surname was d-driver! Yeah! Driver!"

He says as he points upwards with his first finger.

AH:"Uber driver?"

YG:"Yeahhh! That was his name! My baby is shhooo intelligent~~~~"

He sings & she looks at him weirdly,creeped out by this weird side of Yoongi.Yoongi takes another step forward.He's too close now,she was about to back away when Yoongi slides his hand around her waist.

YG:"I missed you."

Yoongi whispers in a low & groggy voice & before she can do anything,he presses his lips against hers - second time that week.Her eyes wide open in shock,she quickly pushes the man away - with all her force.Yoongi stumbles backwards & was about to fall but soon he regains his balance & walks to Ahyun.He puts his lips on hers again.This time Ahyun struggles to get out of his grip,but he holds her tightly. He kisses her hungrily,as if its the only thing he needs to survive.She gives up when she can't even win with the drunk him.She starts to kiss back automatically after a moment as hot tears run down her cheeks.This means nothing to him,yet she's getting hurt.She can taste the alcohol in his mouth as he let's out soft gasps every time their lips part.When Yoongi finally pulls away,both of their lips are red & swollen.She gasps for air as he stares at her like she's the only one on earth.

Her tears stream down uncontrollably, she was defeated by this feeling called love - she was crying in front of him.Yoongi slowly wipes off her tears,looking at her with curious eyes like a toddler who doesn't know why the person must be crying.He hums a little tune softly as he stumbles on his place again.With a last smile,he drops his body on Ahyun, passing out.Ahyun holds the boy as an exasperated sigh leaves her mouth.

She drags the big man to the couch of her living room,the slaughtered man dropping all his weight on her as he sleeps peacefully.When she finally plops him on the couch,she drops her butt beside him & looks at Yoongi.She sighs again & takes her phone.She only has Taehyung & Namjoon's number.She doesn't think Namjoon could take this sleeping man home so she dials Taehyung's number.

After 5 rings,Taehyung finally picks up.


She can hear his groggy low voice as she knows she just woke him up from his deep sleep.

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