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[Ahyun p.o.v]
I hummed as I looked through the file of the patient I just did a surgery on few hours ago.Turns out,he's the CEO of the biggest company of Korea - The Bangtan Empires.So it means,the hospital I'm working at right now,The Seoul Bangtan Hospital is under the same company.CEO Min Yoongi,23 years old. I hope he'll wake up soon. I dropped the file & slumped on the couch on my office.Being a doctor sure is tiring as hell.

[Yoongi p.o.v]
I squinted my eyes due to the sudden light.Who the fuck had the guts to open my curtains?!Don't they know I can't stand sunlight?! I groaned as I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my stomach area.What might that be?My body felt numb as I tried to move.Now I started to remember,going inside that abandoned building, getting shot, seeing a fairy.It all became clear now.

I slowly opened my eyes.It was all a blur for a moment but after a minute I could see everything. White,A white ceiling was in my eyesight.I looked around.A big window which showed tall buildings,there was a TV in front of me,a flower vase sitting on a table.I can remember it as the VIP room of our hospital.

I heard some voices & looked to my left.There stood two women,one in nurse outfit & the other.....It clicked in my mind immediately & I recognized her as the fairy I saw before completely closing my eyes.She walked towards me & tilted her head.

???:"Oh! You're awake,Mr.Min."

I suddenly felt my cheeks heating up just by a sentence of hers.I stared at her rather than saying something.Her facial structure was just perfect in its own way.She almost looked unreal.She wore a grey T-shirt with black tight jeans & black sneakers.On top of her tee she wore a lab coat which confirmed her identity as a doctor.Her hair was tied up in a ponytail.Her eyes had winked eyeliner & her lips looked more prominent because of the light pink lip tint.I'm sure my blush got even more visible to her at this point.

???:"Um....Mr.Min,Are you....feeling fine?"

I snapped out of my trance at her honey like voice.I struggled to open my mouth.


That was all I could blurt out.I mentally face palmed myself for being like this suddenly.

???:"Oh.How do you feel now?"

Me:"Better than before...?"

She smiled.Oh My FuCKing God!She's so beautiful!!! Wait,what's happening to me?!

???:"That's a relief.You have to be careful when you move now because your stomach wound can open up due to careless movement.& we will plaster your hand after sometime."

I nodded like an idiot.She turned around but then turned her head towards me again.

???:"Oh & I'm gonna be your doctor until you recover.I'm Dr.Park Ahyun."

Ahyun,she even has a sweet name.She turned around & started talking to the nurse.

Just then,Kim Taehyung decided to enter the chat.He slammed the door open & when he looked at me looking at him,he started running towards me as he yelled while being his loud ass self.


I told this brat to not call me Hyung in public.He was about to hug me but then I heard the doctor's voice.

AH(Ahyun):Mr.Kim,don't hug him!"

She said in a hurry & Taehyung stopped right then & there.Phew.He turned towards the doctor & scratched the back of his head.

MAFIA'S DOCTOR [Min Yoongi X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now