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[Author-nim p.o.v]
AH:"Hmm...I think I should go."

Ahyun says as she looks at her wrist watch,Yoongi looks up from his laptop.


He whines cutely as Ahyun let's out a giggle at his cuteness.


YG: "Can I come with you then? My work is almost done."


She asks with a teasing eyebrow raise & Yoongi blushes.

YG:"I don't wanna let you go yet."

Ahyun blushes this time,she looks away to hide her red face.

AH:"OK then."

After Yoongi is done,the two of them walk out the office building while holding hands - surprising the shit out of the employees. Ahyun smiles to herself at the warm feeling of Yoongi's hand firmly holding hers.They get in her car & drive to the hospital.

Ahyun stretches her body to ease out the tense muscles which she got from sitting on her chair for too long. She has been looking at some patients file's & studying a bit since they entered her office on the hospital.Yoongi has been slumping himself on her couch & playing with his phone.He looks up at her when she whines cutely & he smiles widely.



She says in a sleepy tone which leaves him in awe.

YG:"How long?"

AH:"Just two more terms."

YG:"Come here."

Yoongi pats the place beside him. She stands up & walks towards the couch & drops herself beside him.He hugs her warmly as she puts her head on his chest. They stay there like that,without a word & just enjoying each others company. Yoongi looks down at her as a grin immediately spreads on his lips,she's so cute & now she's his girlfriend. He still can't believe that Ahyun loved him back.All this time the guy she talked about was him.

He puts a peck on her nose & she giggles a bit at the soft feeling.She sits straight & kisses his lips softly.The kiss wasn't long as they pull away & smile at each other but it was sweet.Yoongi's eyes travel all over her face & they stop at her neck.Her smooth glowy skin,untouched,without a mark makes him lick his lips.

He leans in & presses his lips against her skin,she shivers at the hot sensation of his lips placed on her neck.He holds one of her hand & positions himself perfectly so he has better access to her neck.He leaves open mouth wet kisses all over her neck as she let's out low moans. Her hands make their way to his soft hair as one of her fist works to grab a good amount of his hair. As Yoongi kisses in a specific place twice,she let's out moans twice as well.Yoongi finds his spot & bits in it,making her wince a little in pleasure.He works his tongue technology on that place as the girl groans lowly.Yoongi pulls away after a moment & he smiles at the purplish mark on the spot that he created.

AH:"Oh no,Yoongi."

She panics,looking at him with puppy eyes.He smiles.

YG:"C'mon! What's the problem. I just marked you as mine,its fine if someone sees it.In fact,if someone can't see it,try to show them,yeah?"


She whines & blushes at Yoongi's straightforward statement,hiding her face on his chest.Yoongi chuckles.

He freezes,the scene in front of him surprising him to the core.He had opened the door a little but luckily none of them noticed him.But the scene broke his heart into pieces. They both were on the couch together, in the couch where he has slept so many times,in the couch where he has ate,smiled & played with her all this years.Ahyun was pinned against the couch as Yoongi was kissing her neck.She was letting out low moans.

He felt hot tears running down his cheeks,his heart was broken into million pieces.He wanted to be the one to do that to her,he wanted to be the one to make her smile,to make her happy,to make her feel those pleasures,to have her make those sounds for him.But no,she was with someone else.He didn't expect this at all when he came here.The girl he loved from when he was a child was taken by someone else.

He can't bear the view anymore as he let's go of the door knob & the door silently closes on its own.He looks down at the floor,for the first time in his life experiencing this horrible feeling. This was it,he was defeated.

The flower bouquet that he held falls on the cold hard ground,lying beside his legs. He looks at the card that fell with it which says 'I love you' in his handwriting. Suddenly his phone buzzes in his pocket. He quickly takes it out & wipes off his tears before answering it.


???:"Hello,Dr.Tuan,we need you here urgently."

He hears the nurses voice from the other end of the phone.

M:"I'll be right away."

Mark cuts the call & leaves a deep sigh.He can hear both of their faint laughs from the room.He wipes off his remaining tears & puts on an expressionless face.He starts to walk away from there as a bitter smile takes over his lips.

M:"Its fine as long as you are happy,Muffin."

& with that he leaves.


Mark turns around at the mention of his name from an oddly familiar voice.He looks up only to find the CEO & the owner of this hospital - Min Yoongi.Mark eyes widen when he sees Yoongi holding the fresh white roses that he dropped on the ground earlier. Nonetheless,he bows respectfully to the man who's a boss figure to him.

M:"Yes,CEO Min?"

Yoongi stands in front of him & puts his hand on Mark's shoulder.

YG:"I'm sorry man. You were a bit late."

Yoongi gives him a sympathetic look & Mark looks down,Yoongi saw him then.

M:"You....saw me?"

YG:"Yeah,but I'm sorry."

M:"Its fine,CEO Min! As long as she's happy,it doesn't bother me!"

Mark smiles genuinely,Yoongi smiles back.

YG:"Hey just call me Yoongi,we're the same age,Mark."


Mark grins.

YG:"Don't worry bro,I'll take care of her."

M:"You better do!"

Mark jokes,Yoongi laughs & pats his shoulder.

YG:"I'll go then,she's waiting."

Mark nods & smiles.Yoongi turns around as Mark stares at his back.When Yoongi is in the last end of the room,he turns around & waves at Mark,saying something which leaves Mark smiling widely & genuinely.

YG:"Yah! I'm sure you'll get a better girl than Ahyun who'll love you with all her heart but I promise you you'll never get a girl as pretty as my girlfriend!!!"

He leaves quickly after saying it & Mark shakes his head.


Heyoooo!!!The next chapter will be the last chapter of this story so brace yourselves!!! Thanks for reading,sorry for any grammar mistakes! I love y'all! Bye! I gotta study!❤❤❤

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