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[Author-nim p.o.v]
That day,it was kinda late at night.The hospital corridors were almost empty as most of the staff left & the people with the patients left too.Ahyun's work was over.She was walking towards her office when she saw Mark at the other end of the hallway.She smiles & calls out to him as no one was around.


Mark's head whips towards the source of her voice & immediately a smile takes over his lips.He walks towards the girl.

M:"How was work today?"


She sings as she stretches her body cutely which leaves Mark in awe.

M:"Did you bring your car this morning?"

AH:"No,dad dropped me off.Take me home."

Her last words come out in a murmur as she closes her eyes & leans on Mark's shoulder.Mark chuckles,wrapping his arm around the smaller person.

M:"OK,let's get you home."

She stands up straight & nods at him.They put their things in their own offices & walk out of the hospital building after bidding goodbye to the poor receptionist who has to work all night.

Ahyun waits outside as Mark takes out his Benz from the parking lott.Mark belonged to a rich family as well as Ahyun.

Ahyun gets in the passenger seat & helps herself with the seatbelt.Mark starts driving.

There's a peaceful silence in the car with the radio playing lowly.Ahyun looks at Mark's side profile.



He hums in response.Ahyun continues.

AH:"I'm going with Mr.Min for a month."

Mark looks at her for a little moment but then focuses on the almost empty road again.

M:"Dr.Kim chose you?"

AH:"Yeah,I tried but he said I should do it.You guys have to work more for me,sorry."

M:"C'mon! Its fine. Its not like you're gonna be chilling,you're working as well."

Ahyun smiles at the words of her always considerate best friend.

AH:"Thanks for understanding."

M:"Its fine."

He smiles at the girl who's 1 year younger than him.But then suddenly his eyebrows meet in an unknown cause of worry.

M:"You sure you'll be fine with some men on the house?"

Ahyun giggles.

AH:"What could they possibly do? & don't forget,I'm a black belt."

Mark's worry flow away at her statement & he chuckles,parking his car on the front porch of her mansion.

M:"Right.We're here,Muffin."

Ahyun realises & climbs out of the car after bidding goodnight to Mark.She walks towards her house & Mark waits there until she's inside the house & locked the door.Mark smiles & drives off.

Ahyun enters the house with the maids greeting her.She smiles at each of them through her tired eyes.She wanted to move out when she got the job but her parents being their overprotective selves,didn't let her.But its kind of living alone because her parents are always overseas & her sister lives with her husband.

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