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[Author-nim p.o.v]
Ahyun was sleeping peacefully in the warm comfortness of the bed of the houses guest room which she was given.Suddenly a loud crash of something makes her eyes shot open,she takes a moment to put two & two together.The sound is like a glass material falling from somewhere & colliding with the ground,the sudden meet of those two breaking the vulnerable glass into thousands of small pieces while the floor remains unharmed.

She thinks quick,her & Yoongi's room being the only one's on this side of the hallway,she comes to conclusion that its Yoongi.She quickly gets up from her bed,sliding in her room slippers.She somewhat rushes to the room opposite hers,a sudden wave of worry flowing through her body as if someone put a cold liquid with an injection through her blood system.

She hears a loud groan from the room & doesn't hesitate to open the door wide.In her vision comes the black haired man who sits at the edge of his bed,clutching his uninjured arm in his stomach area where his skin is held together by a strong string of yarn made of cotton.Blood seeps continuously from the deep wound as Yoongi's face shows a look of massive pain as he hisses & tries his best to breath.
In front of him on the floor runs a pool of water,a glass broken into small pieces.If broken hearts had visual representations,undoubtedly it would look like this glass,which is not possible to put together anymore.

Terror fills Ahyun's eyes & she doesn't waste a moment to rush back to her room & getting ahold of the medical kit she brought with herself.She runs back to Yoongi's room as if her life depends on it.She dodges the broken glass pieces & climbs in Yoongi's bed from the other side.She holds the injured man by his shoulders & makes him lean against the head frame of his bed.

AH:"Mr.Min,I need you to take your shirt off,hurry."

She commands in a rush & Yoongi tries his best to unbutton his sleep wear.Ahyun helps him & as Yoongi slips out of his shirt,Ahyun winces at the open wound even though she has seen plenty.She quickly takes out things from her box & gently dabs a cotton in the cut & Yoongi tries his best to not shout in pain.He hisses & winces,curses every man who is responsible for his bane life in his head as Ahyun tries her best to be gentle with him.

She's clearing the wound,her head bent closer to Yoongi's to take a better look & access in his injury.Yoongi looks at the girl he has came to know recently to focus somewhere else from the pain that the cotton dabbing against his blood stained open wound is bringing.The burning sensation makes him want to grab something & squeeze it hard but sadly he doesn't have anything like that.

He stares at the girl,worry visible in her eyes as she sits there cross legged like a child with her night wear which happens to be a white tee & yellow pajama.Her bed hair messy,Yoongi wonders how she looks so good even after waking up like this.He is grateful to this girl as she has saved him from death,from the place he wants to go but his six brothers hold him back from.He never had a reason to live but it seems like life wasn't that worthless living for when Ahyun can be your doctor.

Yoongi saw how his only hyung & other 5 youngers are smiling around Ahyun,how they're happy to have another friend who's kind & sweet,not like themselves in general.He's thankful towards her for making this house joyful & bright for the very first time.He wants to thank her for giving him a reason to look forward to the next day which he never had.

The pain from his wound flies away the window,he almost forgets about it as he stares at her focused form,smaller than his which makes her so cute.

Yoongi doesn't understand, he doesn't get it why he suddenly gets all mad when she talks to other men,smiles with other men.Its not like she's his girlfriend, right? Then why? Yoongi questions himself over & over again.

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