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[Author-nim p.o.v]
The office employees stare at their CEO as he walks through the hallway towards his office,a beautiful girl clicking her heels on the ground elegantly by his side.They have never seen their boss so defenseless with a hand cast & never ever with a girl.They bow to Yoongi respectfully as Yoongi bows back,giving out an odd & unusual happy aura that he didn't have before.

The employees jump into a conclusion in a second.The news spreads in the 14 floored building like wildfire that the CEO has brought his girlfriend to work.Every person whispers to each other as some girls go sad who had a crush on their boss.The male workers gossip about how the CEO was so lucky to have such a hot girlfriend.

Its been an hour & people are still gossiping about the news,forgetting all about their work.In that moment,Taehyung walks out of his office which is beside Yoongi's.His general calm but cold presence shuts everyone up in a second.He glares & takes a look at every persons face,his cold eyes sending shivers through their spines.

TH:"You guys are so curious so I came to inform you.The girl who came with CEO Min is not his girlfriend but his doctor but it shouldn't matter to you even if she was his girlfriend. Now cut the bullcrap & I better see everyone at work the next time I come out."

The atmosphere is dead silent as Taehyung's deep & clear honey ginger voice rumbles through the room.He doesn't leave anyone a second glace before strudding back to his office.

???:"CEO Min brought a girl to work?"

The man chimes in an amused manner, asking the person for assurance over the phone.


???:"Are you sure? What was the post about?"

???2:"It says 'Our CEO brought a girl with him today.Everyone thought it was his gf but it was actually his doctor.'"

???:"Ah~~You sure that guy works on the Bangtan company?"

???2:I'm 100% sure,leader."

He says with confidence dripping from his voice.The said leader smirks,letting out a chuckle afterwards.

???:"Fine,Call Youngjae & tell him to follow them to wherever they go,even if its in hell."

His voice turns dark & he cuts the call immediately, smiling to himself.

Ahyun sits their on the comfy couch of Yoongi's office as the said man sits in his desk,sealing papers after papers nonestop.Ahyun takes a good look at Yoongi for the very first time.Dark night occurring in his hair is soft & fluffy,his eyes are catlike with a puppylike adorableness. His small nose is cute & it makes him look thousand times cuter when he scrunches it up.His round cheeks look soft, squishable.His lips are a soft shade of pink which compliment his pale clear skin,pouty & soft.He practically looks like a baby,almost an unreal baby.

Ahyun stares at his figure that slumps on the chair lazily but his eyes hold ambition. A sudden urge to squish his cheeks disturbs Ahyun.When he bits his lip,her heart beat suddenly wents faster,at the speed of light.She looks down at her hands.Does she like him? She questions herself.Was that even possible? God knows.She sighs & focuses on her phone,not noticing Yoongi's fond stare on her.

That night,after dinner Yoongi walks in Jin's room through his open door.Jin looks at the younger while raising a questioning eyebrow.


He calls out in a monotone voice,still contemplating.


YG:" nothing,never mind."

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