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[Author-nim p.o.v]
Ahyun gets out of her car,locking it & walking towards the door of Bangtan Empires with her usual elegant walking manner.She's on a pink oversized tee which is tucked loosely inside her blue ripped jeans.She wears a pair of timberlands & her hair fall lazily on her back.Bangtan employees all look at the girl - used to her presence by now.But she doesn't look like usual - she has eyebags & her face is pale,void of any emotion as well.

She walks straight to the elevator & presses the button for the 13th floor,where exactly his office locates.After getting down from the elevator,she walks towards the receptionist.The receptionist looks up & smiles at the doctor.

Receptionist:"How can I help you,Dr.Park?"

AH:"Is secretary Kim busy right now?"

Receptionist: "Uh no! He isn't having any appointment at the moment,you can meet him."

She says with a smile as Ahyun also forces a smile to the nice lady.

AH:"Thank you."

She turns around & walks towards Taehyung's office which happens to be beside his bosses.She knocks & in a moment she can hear Taehyung's honey ginger deep voice through the closed door,saying 'come in'. She twists the door knob & opens the door,letting herself in properly inside Taehyung's strawberry scented office.


He looks a bit surprised as he looks at the older girl,who looks a bit sick.

AH:"Hey Tae."

She smiles weakly.

TH:"You here?"

AH:"Why? Don't want me here?"

She teases,Taehyung quickly shakes his head.

TH:"Why wouldn't I want you here,noona! All my good memories in office include you!"

Ahyun let's out a genuine laughter at what he said, obviously complaining about the loads of work Yoongi drops on him.

AH:"I came to see Yoongi,is he free?"

Taehyung quickly looks through the schedule that he made for his boss.

TH:"He's free right now! Come with me!"

He says & smiles, standing up from his chair & walking towards the door where she still stands. He opens the door & she follows him out.

Taehyung knocks & then opens the door to Yoongi's office.Yoongi looks up to his brother as he stands in front of his desk while looking at a file.He raises an eyebrow at the younger boy,questioning his appearance. He can't see Ahyun yet as she's standing right behind the big man who's Taehyung.

TH:"Hyung,someone is here to visit you."

Yoongi raises both of his eyebrows this time. Taehyung steps away from the door with a smug smirk playing on his lips as Ahyun comes into Yoongi's view.He freezes,not knowing what to do or where to hide.She doesn't meet his eyes, nervous she'll break into tears again.Taehyung gestures Ahyun to go in & she does so.Taehyung closes the door behind him after sending Yoongi a mischievous wink.

As soon as Taehyung leaves,the room is dead silent.None of them dare to say anything or even breath.Yoongi can't hide anymore,she's here right in his office.It would be too rude to tell her to leave. He looks at her as another thought disturbs him,he somehow remembers he saw her crying,recently.He isn't sure if it was a dream but he definitely saw her crying.

She walks towards him with slow steps,still looking at the ground.Yoongi gulps hard when she stops in front of him but making personal space for both of them.She looks up & his heart jumps,her eyes are a bit wet but she looks so ethereal.

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