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[Ahyun p.o.v]
This morning,there was a little hospital meeting with the cheif doctor,some of us senior doctors,some nurses & the receptionist. We were told that we have to keep the CEO's stay in our hospital a secret.We weren't told the reason behind it but I assumed it was for his safety.

I checked on the patient as soon as I entered the hospital & he seemed to be doing fine.That pale man with catlike features doesn't talk much but I've noticed him turning red from time to time.Its weird how none of his family members came to visit him except that Taehyung guy.

It was afternoon & I was going to check on him again when Mark decided to accompany me.

[Author-nim p.o.v]
Ahyun lightly knocks on the VIP room door & twists the door open.She walkes in,followed by Mark.In front of her was an odd situation with Yoongi making a disgusted face & nurse Lee sweating pools.Taehyung was there on the bedside stool.The brown haired boy wearing a blue button up shirt looks exhausted as his hair was tousled up slightly.

They all look up to see Ahyun & Mark.Yoongi eyes the blonde boy in a lab coat,it containing his nametag which read 'Dr.Tuan'.He frowns,So he was the one she was smiling so happily for the other day - Yoongi thought.

Ahyun's eyebrows creases together as she looks at the middle aged woman who is nurse Lee beside her.

AH:"What's happening here,if may I ask?"

An eyebrow of hers arches up unconsciously as she asks so.Nurse Lee lets out a huff of annoyance before opening her mouth but Taehyung beat her to it.

TH:"Hyung doesn't wanna take meds."

He says with puppy eyes.

Nurse:"Dr. I tried to convince him so much but he won't just take it."

TH:"We're trying for the past 20 minutes."

Ahyun eyes the patient on the bed,claded in blue hospital clothes.He doesn't look like a person to be so childish. Ahyun huffs & walks closer to the bed.She tilts her head slightly out of habit & sweetly smiles at Yoongi which makes Yoongi's heart flutter.

AH:"Mr.Min,do you really wanna stay in this boring hospital room for more time? You want to go back to your work right?"

Yoongi nods with puppy eyes. Ahyun carries on.

AH:"So in order to get better soon,you have to take meds.I know meds taste bad & are hard to gulp down but you have to take it,please?"

Ahyun baby talks him & he doesn't get the hint unlike any other person in the room.He nods vigorously & Mark tries his best to keep his laughter in.

YG(Yoongi):"I will take it."

He reaches out for the glass of water & the pill from the nurses hand & gulps down all of the meds without a word.Taehyung & nurse Lee's eyes widen in shock & they wonder what kind of magic spell Ahyun knows.

Taehyung's eyes then fall on the unfamiliar guy in the room.A blonde boy around Yoongi's age,a gray T-shirt hugging his skinny body accompanied by a pair of black jeans & Gucci shoes.He wears a labcoat which proudly gives out his identity as a doctor.Mark notices Taehyung's gaze in him & smiles brightly.

M:"I'm sorry for being rude,I'm Dr.Mark Tuan.I came with Dr.Park to see how CEO Min was doing."

He bows politely & Taehyung smiles back at the boy without a doubt in his eyes.

Ahyun walks closer to Yoongi to start checking him.Just then,Mark's cellphone rings & he apologizes before answering it.

M:"I'll be right there.Prepare everything we need & keep on FA."

He talks on the phone with the hospital staff in their code language.He cuts the call & looks at everyone in the room.

M:"I'm sorry,there's an emergency."

He bows & starts walking out of the room.He clicks the door open & looks behind at Ahyun.

M:"I'll see you around Mu- Dr.Park."

Almost about to blurt out her nickname in front of strangers, he composes himself when she raises an eyebrow at him with a glare. When he's out of sight,Yoongi relaxes & starts enjoying Ahyun's presence.He likes & dislikes this feeling.

[Ahyun p.o.v]
After visiting Mr.Min,I got the information from the receptionist that chief Dr.Kim wanted to see me.I headed towards his office which was located at the top floor.When I reached his office,I knocked & peeked my head in.

AH:"May I come in,Dr.?"

He looked up from his paper.Slightly curly hair which was dyed a light brown,he smiled at me as he fixed his glasses which claimed their spot on the bridge of his perfect nose.Handsome looking,overly intelligent, slightly perverted,33 years old our chief Dr.Kim.

Dr.Kim:"Come in."

He smiled.I walked in & dropped my butt in the chair in front of him.I stretched my body casually as he observed me.

Dr.Kim:"How's Yoongi doing?"

I've got to know that Dr.Kim is Mr.Kim Taehyung's cousin so they know each other.

Me:"He's getting better pretty quick."

Dr.Kim:"That's good."

He nodded in acknowledgement. I wait for his next words.

Dr.Kim:"As he's getting discharged tomorrow,you said someone needs to be around him for a month to make sure he's okay,I've chosen the person, Dr.Park."

I looked at him with anticipation & he took the hint.

Dr.Kim:"You're the one who'll go with him."

A thunder rumbled up in my head.What?

Me:"M-me? But Dr.Kim,how's that possible? I have work at the hospital."

Dr.Kim:"Its fine,the others will backup for you & we have 2 new doctors joining,you don't have to worry."

Me:"But I thought a nurse could go with him."

Dr.Kim:"Ahyun-ah.I....I know you could do better than any nurse.You see,Yoongi,that boy has struggled a lot.He's grown to be a strong man.I want the best treatment for him.So could you please do it,for me?"

He looked at me like that,I didn't know what to do.I let out a weak smile of defeat & nodded.

Me:"I understand, I'll go."

Dr.Kim:"Really Thank you,Ahyun-ah."

He said sincerely with soft eyes.I smiled & nodded at him.I stood up from the chair.

Me:"I'll take your leave now."

He nodded & I bowed before walking to the door.I opened it & looked back at him.

Me:"See you around,Dr.Kim."

He raised an eyebrow at me playfully & I got what he meant.I let out a giggle.

Me:"Heechul Oppa."

He smiled & nodded in satisfaction. I playfully winked at him & walked out of his room before closing the door behind me.This is gonna be tough.I sighed as I thought about what could exactly go wrong when I go to live with Mr.Min for a month.It couldn't be that bad.


Hey beautiful's! I hope you liked this chappy.Thanks for reading,sorry for any grammar mistakes. Bye bye! Love y'all!❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

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